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[Feature Request] Add Conan package
It would be much easier to use conan in C/C++ environment through package
Good idea 👍
I started the package using Conan v1 and I'm not sure if I should migrate to v2... also seems that bintray
is now jfrog
... I will back to this later then.
from conans import ConanFile, AutoToolsBuildEnvironment
from conans import tools
class WebuiConan(ConanFile):
name = "webui"
version = "2.4.2"
license = "MIT License"
url = "<https://github.com/webui-dev/webui, https://github.com/webui-dev/webui/issues>"
description = "<Use any web browser as GUI, with your preferred language in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend, all in a lightweight portable lib.>"
settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
exports_sources = "src/*", "include/*", "bridge/webui_bridge.h", "Makefile", "GNUmakefile"
generators = "make"
def build(self):
autotools = AutoToolsBuildEnvironment(self)
if self.settings.os == "Windows":
# `nmake` or `mingw32-make` on Windows
if self.settings.compiler == "gcc":
autotools.make(args=["-f", "Makefile"], make_program="mingw32-make")
elif self.settings.compiler == "Visual Studio":
autotools.make(args=["-f", "Makefile"], make_program="nmake")
# Default to 'make' on Linux and macOS
autotools.make(args=["-f", "Makefile"])
def package(self):
self.copy("*.h", dst="include", src="include")
self.copy("webui_bridge.h", dst="bridge", src="bridge")
self.copy("*webui-2*.dll", dst="bin", keep_path=False)
self.copy("*webui-2*.so", dst="bin", keep_path=False)
self.copy("*webui-2*.dynlib", dst="bin", keep_path=False)
self.copy("*webui-2-static.lib", dst="lib", keep_path=False)
self.copy("*libwebui-2-static.a", dst="lib", keep_path=False)
def package_info(self):
self.cpp_info.libs = tools.collect_libs(self)