webtorrent-desktop copied to clipboard
Please change default port from 8080, which is commonly used!!!
Super simple, please don't use 8080. Webtorrent appears as kubernetes. Please use some random 5 digit port number.
Is this still relevant? If so, what is blocking it? Is there anything you can do to help move it forward?
This is still relevant yes.
+1 for this new feature
I suggest using TCP port number 6881. During connection, if this port 6881 is somehow busy or not available, then automatically try successively higher ports. Up to a limit of 6999. For example, try first 6881, then 6882, then 6883, and so on up to 6999 maximum.
This range 6881 to 6999 is a widely used ports range by other torrent clients
In addition, I suggest allowing advanced users, using the graphical interface (GUI) to override the above, and set any port or port range to their liking. By the way, using the present WebTorrent via Terminal/CLI, it seems that this can be partly done using the parameter --port
Any volunteer for a patch? Both me and the Ubertus.org team would be happy to volunteer, contributing testing and documentation, if needed.
Related comments & attributions:
- bonsaiviking at https://security.stackexchange.com/a/33985/278929
- Aniket Thakur at https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/33983/what-are-the-tcp-udp-ports-used-by-torrent-applications#comment68616_33983
- etech9 at https://www.ihav.net/vb/showthread.php?t=1146860&s=eeac18a97e130bddb97b7113eee312e6&p=1943885&viewfull=1#post1943885
Currently, there is no assigned port in the source code. This way, the operating system will assign an arbitrary unused port, which is probably fine in this case?
Hi @Francewhoa. Can you please assign this issue to me? I would love to get started with my journey in open source here through Hacktoberfest.