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[deprecated] UglifyJS Plugin

Results 10 uglifyjs-webpack-plugin issues
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Bumps [eslint-utils]( from 1.4.0 to 1.4.3. Commits - [`23f4ddc`]( 🔖 1.4.3 - [`8f9e481`]( 🐛 fix reference tracker false positive - [`6633278`]( ⚒ fix test scripts - [`7c8e67c`]( ⚒ fix build...


* Operating System: macOS 10.14 * Node Version: 10.11.0 * NPM Version: 6.4.1 * webpack Version: 4.20.2 * uglifyjs-webpack-plugin Version: 2.0.1 Currently, the `sourceMap` option must be explicitly defined when...

type: Feature
priority: 5 (nice to have)
severity: 4 (inconvenient)
semver: Minor

It'd be nice if this plugin automatically deduped the license comments it collects. For instance, Facebook includes a license header at the top of most files which becomes very cluttery,...

type: Feature
flag: Community help wanted
priority: 5 (nice to have)
status: Needs triage
semver: Minor

The latest source-map which is v0.7.2 got support for WebAssembly and it is 10 times faster than the old one. More info here: Please update so...

priority: 5 (nice to have)
semver: Major
pr_action: Review
type: Refactor
flag: Performance
type: Perf

Hi, I'm having an issue where the tags page is inaccessible from the outside. When I try to access it, I get redirected to the internal address of the server....

Hello! I'm a novice of lekyll, and have a problem which I have no idea how to solve. ![NO2A83FQ0~SU`P1X 56}O%C]( as you see, the size of the left post is...

``` Post-install message from sass: Ruby Sass is deprecated and will be unmaintained as of 26 March 2019. * If you use Sass as a command-line tool, we recommend using...

Can you provide a gem on Ruygems `jekyll-galada`. See So one could add `gem "jekyll-galada"` in its Gemfile and `theme: galada` in `_config.yml` when wanting to change a theme...

The top header is center layout, I want change to align right. so I try much times, but I fail. can you help me. And sorry! my english is so...

Could you help me in creating a similar layout as the index page in a new page where I can show all my projects just like blog posts?