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Webmin module Cyrus IMAPd 1.6.8

Open ITfee opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

I use this Cyrus IMAPd 1.6.8 module from Roberto Tecchio in Webmin 1.990: https://www.webmin.com/cgi-bin/search_third.cgi?search=cyrus%20imapd

In general the module is still working, but it is buggy:

  • The mailbox tree /webmin/cyrus-imapd/mailbox.cgi is not showing up anymore
  • The information given for single user under /webmin/cyrus-imapd/mbox_info.cgi?mbox=user/username is not correct anymore. Size of the mailbox is just showing the size of the inbox, but not of the complete mailbox.

Can this be fixed?

ITfee avatar Nov 30 '22 12:11 ITfee