closing socket is making problem
does anyone have alternative solution?
@grimace @grimace @muaz-khan @dansandland
> **"Userid already taken"** After a short Internet disconnect, the user cannot join the room - is a big problem. The function `connection.onUserIdAlreadyTaken` from the `RTCMultiConnection.js` library generates a new...
i am testing on local network using wifi and i am connected to server via internet on different network
Cannot set remote answer in state stable this error is shown frequently too
@grimace @killmenot @muaz-khan @dansandland @Yuripetusko how stop firing remote description when all users are connected and the video call is fine?
@grimace @killmenot @muaz-khan @dansandland
@muaz-khan Hi Muaz Khan i am facing similar problem and you are right , it success from second try ,till here i am able to find a solution but after...
@muaz-khan this issue appear while you are on same network using wfi or on different network