webgpufundamentals copied to clipboard
Make a better home page animation
- not too intensive (should run on a medium powered phone)
- not too flashy (it's not meant to distract)
Is there a design for the homepage to be made?
Ok, I want to be assigned this issue
I wasn't planning on redesigning the homepage itself although I'm happy to hear about suggestions ... no guarantee that I'll take them 😅
Rather, I want the background animation to be more interesting. It's here: https://webgpufundamentals.org/webgpu/background.html
With these restrictions:
- It must use WebGPU
- It should not require too much power (it should run on mobile phones)
- It should not be too distracting (people want to read the table of contents)
- It should not require too much data (quick to download/start)
- It should respect the
media query (see this) and display something static if they've set it.
You are welcome to submit a PR with a new background. I can't promise I'll use it
If I get other good submissions I might put them in a rotation.
Examples from other sites:
- https://webglfundamentals.org/webgl/background.html
- https://webgl2fundamentals.org/webgl/background.html
- https://threejsfundamentals.org/threejs/background.html
- https://twgljs.org/examples/background.html
I'm not saying any of those are any good, just linking examples. I've been told the first 3 are too distracting. Possibly I should slow them down.
Ok, will work on it