wdio-vscode-service icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wdio-vscode-service copied to clipboard

A service to test VSCode extensions from end to end using WebdriverIO

Results 32 wdio-vscode-service issues
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Our extension relies on a dependency, and we need to manage when and how the dependency runs. When our test suites run, they run in parallel and when we run...

Given a user tries to open a webview and verifies that an element exists, e.g.: ```ts await browser.waitUntil(async () => { const webviews = await workbench.getAllWebviews() if (webviews.length === 0)...

TreeSection.openItem() doesn't work with compacted (empty) folders. Let's say I have the following folder structure: ``` /src /src/project /src/project/test /src/project/test/two /src/project/test/two/three /src/project/test/two/three/example.ts ``` ...and let's say that in my e2e...

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Is there any example how to setup a vscode debug configuration to debug extension running in wdio vscode environment. A typescript configuration example would be appreciated. thanks

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sections should be found by the title attribute and not the text. So for explorer section e.g. 'mount' instead of '/ [TEST FILES]' (created as follow up comment on PR#39)...

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Hi, how are you? I try to open a discussion before create an issue, but the section was disabled for the repository.. I have an issue with custom page object...

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Hi there, I am writing a test where I need to enter a string into an InputBox and press Enter but I'm stuck on how to select such element. In...

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Running `workbench.executeCommand("...")` doesn't seem to work running VSCode for the browser. Let's investigate this and make it interoperable. This should also allow us to unskip some of the e2e tests.

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The `executeWorkbench` does not allow to have additional parameters, I'ld suggest to change it to the following: ```ts executeWorkbench: (fn: (vscode: any, ...params: any[]) => T) => Promise; executeWorkbench: (fn:...

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The `clearText` test fails due to the following error: ``` Command failed: D:\a\wdio-vscode-service\wdio-vscode-service\node_modules\clipboardy\fallbacks\windows\clipboard_x86_64.exe --paste thread 'main' panicked at 'Error: Could not paste from clipboard: Error { repr: Os { code:...

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