I added something like this: ``` jDrupal.Menu = function(machine_name) { // Set the entity keys. this.entityKeys['type'] = 'menu'; // Prep the entity. jDrupal.entityConstructorPrep(this, machine_name); // Set default values. if (this.entity)...
Well... lol the menu entity didn't give me the tree lol there is a seperate module for that. Good exercise non the less... Still may be a good idea to...
I ended up adding this to my a drupal module that also has additional services. Might not be 100% (Not sure I like the use of current_path();) but seems to...
Yes. That when calling drupal.connect(); It will auto authenticate using the cookie_domain.
So my setup is I have the main domain as the drupal 7 site. But I have a few different silo apps. That I want to be able to share...
I may have gotten around this. I am still testing but I believe I just needed to join nginx and varnish to there own network on each node not using...
Well it's been over 2 months now. Still no update. Others are experiencing malicious activity in their mailhog container.
Running into same issue....
I found something interesting every time I start up my stack I get this error: >>>>>> Checking NODE=pgslave1... psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running...
Nvm that was due to endpoint_mode: vip vs endpoint_mode: dnsrr