TYPO3-metaseo copied to clipboard
Sitemap...Task uses wrong path to write sitemap_txt and sitemap_xml
MetaSEO version: *
TYPO3 version: *
PHP version: *
Don't get it, why could this ever worked...???
The Scheduler/Task/SitemapTxtTask.php and .../SitemapXmlTask.php create pathes like this:
PATH_site . '/' . $this->sitemapDir
PAH_site is by definition "Absolute path of the document root of the instance with trailing slash" so the path will be always something like
with 2 slashes!
I get axacly this error message in Scheduler Task
Ausführung fehlgeschlagen: 0, DirectoryIterator::__construct(/html/htdocs/web//uploads/tx_metaseo/sitemap_xml): failed to open dir: No such file or directory"
I checked the core back up to 6.2 - it has not changed I checked metaseo extension coded - it has also not changed since all versions available on github. So where is the mistake??
Normally I would say the part has to be changed to
PATH_site . $this->sitemapDir
Greetings Tobi
I think it works most of the time because the underlaying environment does not care about double slashes - don't know if its PHP or the system in that case. I have the problem currently with PHP 7.1 but have not tested others jet.
Anyway, I think this should be fixed.
I opend a pull request on this: https://github.com/webdevops/TYPO3-metaseo/pull/519
Well actually this was not the problem :-) The main Problem was that the upload folder is not created automatically + if I create it I get the error-msg "No TypoScript Template found" but ist included and all other stuff from the extension works - excapt the scheduler tasks to create real sitemaps. So this part is not working in version 3 jet. (My PullRequest could be applied anyway for it increases code-quality imo)
Is your PR supposed to fix the latter?
excapt the scheduler tasks to create real sitemaps. So this part is not working in version 3 jet.
Please give us exact version information: TYPO3, metaseo (I assume 3.0.0), PHP and realurl version
TYPO3 8.7.10 / 8.7.12 metaseo 3.0.0 PHP 7.1.9