vuetify-inline-fields copied to clipboard
Vuetify Inline Fields Component Library offers a comprehensive collection of reusable UI components to create elegant and efficient inline form fields within your applications.
Vuetify Inline Fields
Vuetify Inline Fields Component Library offers a comprehensive collection of reusable UI components designed to create elegant and efficient inline form fields within your applications. With seamless integration into Vuetify's UI framework and a wide range of customizable options, developers can effortlessly incorporate inline fields that perfectly align with their application's needs.
Additionally, this library provides enhanced integration specifically tailored for usage within data tables. Developers can seamlessly integrate inline form fields directly into their data table cells, facilitating efficient inline editing and data manipulation. This feature empowers users to make changes directly within the table, streamlining the editing process and improving productivity.
Using pnpm:
pnpm add @wdns/vuetify-inline-fields
Using npm:
npm i @wdns/vuetify-inline-fields
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Copyright (c) 2023 WebDevNerdStuff
Licensed under the MIT license.
Vuetify and the Vuetify logo are trademarks of Vuetify. This component was not created or endorsed by Vuetify.