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Unit testing value objects with internal datetime calculation

Open webdevilopers opened this issue 3 years ago • 14 comments

Came from:

Given a Token #valueobject that internally uses current time to generate expiresAt date. For unit testing expiration I would prefer reflection and set date - X days. I would not like to refactor the constructor to receive a expirationStartsAt instead. Other suggestions?


/cc @plalx @BrunoRommens @AntonStoeckl @kapitancho @iosifch @tomjvdberg @swyrazik @dkarlovi @mannion @GilbertoTCC @Selrahcd

The original idea was to NOT create an extra service but move all the logic into a value object.

The aggregate root

final class Host extends AggregateRoot
    private HostId $hostId;

    private EmailAddress $emailAddress;

    private VerificationToken $verificationToken;

    private bool $verified = false;

    public static function register(HostId $hostId, EmailAddress $emailAddress): Host
        $emailAddressVerificationToken = VerificationToken::generate($hostId, $emailAddress);

        $self = new self();
        $self->recordThat(HostRegistered::with($hostId, $emailAddress, $emailAddressVerificationToken));

        return $self;

    public function verify(string $token): void
        if ($this->isVerified()) {

        if ($this->verificationToken->token() !== $token) {
            throw new InvalidVerificationTokenException();

        if ($this->verificationToken->hasExpired()) {
            throw new VerificationTokenExpiredException();


Value object

final class VerificationToken
    public const LIFETIME = 345600;

    private string $token;

    private DateTimeImmutable $expiresAt;

    private function __construct()

    public static function generate(HostId $hostId, EmailAddress $emailAddress): VerificationToken
        $encodedData = json_encode([$hostId->toString(), $emailAddress->toString()]);
        $signingKey = 'some_secret';
        $token = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $encodedData, $signingKey, true));

        $expiryTimestamp = time() + VerificationToken::LIFETIME;
        $expiresAt = (new DateTimeImmutable())->setTimestamp($expiryTimestamp);

        $self = new self();
        $self->token = $token;
        $self->expiresAt = $expiresAt;

        return $self;

    public function token(): string
        return $this->token;

    public function expiresAt(): DateTimeImmutable
        return $this->expiresAt;

    public function hasExpired(): bool
        return time() > $this->expiresAt->getTimestamp();

In order to this it would require Relfection. One approach to make it more testable - WITHOUT moving it to an extra service - would be passing the expiration date:

final class Host extends AggregateRoot
    public static function register(HostId $hostId, EmailAddress $emailAddress): Host
        $expiryTimestamp = time() + VerificationToken::LIFETIME;
        $expiresAt = (new DateTimeImmutable())->setTimestamp($expiryTimestamp);

        $emailAddressVerificationToken = VerificationToken::generate($hostId, $emailAddress, $expiresAt);

That makes the VerificationToken value object easier to test. But it's still hard to check if the aggregate throws an exception without again using Reflection:

final class Host extends AggregateRoot
    public function verify(string $token): void
        if ($this->isVerified()) {

        if ($this->verificationToken->token() !== $token) {
            throw new InvalidVerificationTokenException();

        if ($this->verificationToken->hasExpired()) {
            throw new VerificationTokenExpiredException();

This could be changed by also expanding the aggregate root by passing a registeredAt date:

final class Host extends AggregateRoot
    public static function register(HostId $hostId, EmailAddress $emailAddress, DateTimeImmutable $registeredAt): Host
        $expiryTimestamp = $registeredAt + VerificationToken::LIFETIME;
        $expiresAt = (new DateTimeImmutable())->setTimestamp($expiryTimestamp);

        $emailAddressVerificationToken = VerificationToken::generate($hostId, $emailAddress, $expiresAt);

Though the code looks fine I'm just worried about adding "behaviour & data" that is only required for testing and not originally in the domain logic.

The main idea was to NOT write an extra service and keep the logic inside the value object. If you want to use a service there a some good examples using a Clock Interface and implementation:

  • by @matthiasnoback

webdevilopers avatar Nov 16 '20 06:11 webdevilopers

I might be missing something: What's the reason for the expiration date to be created outside the VerificationToken VO? I would tend to do this inside VerificationToken::generate and change the $expiresAt parameter by a $registratedAt one.

For the last part, with the registration date as a parameter or a clock service, this is where I head when I'm dealing with dates.

Though the code looks fine I'm just worried about adding "behaviour & data" that is only required for testing and not originally in the domain logic.

You could see it the way around. When passing data (as a DateTime or as a DateTime provider service), you're making the concept of a registration date more explicit.

If the reflection is what's bothering you, you could use the namespace technique for mocking.

SelrahcD avatar Nov 16 '20 09:11 SelrahcD

Why do you explicitly not want to create a service? Now I see a value object that is able to create its own token with a signing key that is hard coded and a reference to the current time via a direct time() call. It makes the whole thing hard to test (if you would want to test the signing).

In my opinion a value object should not hold logic.

I feel that you are forcing yourself in a situation where you meet some standard while giving in on other standards like separation of concern.

tomjvdberg avatar Nov 16 '20 10:11 tomjvdberg

I stick to the rule that, if an object needs information from outside the application (an API response, the current time, etc.) there are four options:

  • It should become a service class with an abstraction (so you can control the outcome in a test environment)
  • If it's already a service, it should get an abstraction injected for fetching that information.
  • If it's not a service but a value object, entity, etc. it should get the information passed to it as a method argument, because that's the only non-hacky way to make its behavior predictable.
  • Less conventional, but totally an option: pass the service abstraction as an argument to the entity, value object, etc. can call it to get the information.

I'm not saying you should stick to my rule, but I find that things will just be hacky if you don't do it (or that you'll eventually wish you had introduced the abstraction sooner). If you don't do it, you'll have an indirect/hidden dependency anyway.

matthiasnoback avatar Nov 16 '20 10:11 matthiasnoback

The time() function call is essentially a service call pretending to be a normal calculation without dependencies. The language and its API just make it feel so. In fact, the current time does not come from your application. It comes from an external service, called system clock, and it's not controlled by your application. So you are kind of already using a service to get the current time, except this service stinks because its design and the way it's used prevent testability.

My suggestion: It should be treated the same way you would treat any other external service dependency: part of the infrastructure and behind an interface that can be substituted during testing.

It's no different from an imaginary get_current_cpu_usage() function or even a get_current_weather() function that obviously calls an external service not under your control.

swyrazik avatar Nov 16 '20 11:11 swyrazik

@swyrazik that was very eloquently augmented, thanks!

dkarlovi avatar Nov 16 '20 13:11 dkarlovi

Recently I came across the @brick DateTime library and I gave it a try.


This is my current example:

final class Subscription extends AggregateRoot
    private DateTimeImmutable $expiresAt;

    public function cancel(TerminationReason $reason, ?string $feedback): void
        $this->expiresAt = ...;

    public function markAsExpired(): void
        $now = new DateTimeImmutable();

        if ($now < $this->expiresAt) {
            throw new \DomainException('Subscription has not expired yet.');

        // record events

As mentioned by @matthiasnoback the non-hacky way would be passing the date to the method.

If it's not a service but a value object, entity, etc. it should get the information passed to it as a method argument, because that's the only non-hacky way to make its behavior predictable.

    public function markAsExpired(DateTimeImmutable $someDateWhereAnExternalCronjobTaskStarted): void
        if ($someDateWhereACronjobTaskStarted < $this->expiresAt) {
            throw new \DomainException('Subscription has not expired yet.');

Here is the "brick"-approach:

final class Subscription extends AggregateRoot
    public function markAsExpired(): void
        $now = LocalDateTime::now(TimeZone::utc());

        if ($now->isBefore($this->expiresAt)) {
            throw new \DomainException('Subscription has not expired yet.');

        // record events

And for testing: can change the default clock for all date-time classes. All methods such as now(), unless provided with an explicit Clock, will use the default clock you provide.

final class SubscriptionTest extends TestCase
    /** @test */
    public function givenACancelledSubscriptionWhenMarkingAsExpiredItRecordsEvents(): void
        DefaultClock::set(new FixedClock(Instant::of(1630483200))); // 01.09.2021 08:00:00

        $profile = $this->completedProfile();
        $profile->cancelSubscription(TerminationReason::fromString('no_need'), null);


        DefaultClock::set(new FixedClock(Instant::of(1633046400))); // 01.10.2021 00:00:00

        // some events recorded assertions

A trade-off is relying on hard-coded LocalDateTime and LocalDate classes. Though it can always be converted back to a DateTime`. A clock instance is preferred for type-hinting and easier to replace.

But passing a clock interface to the aggregate root of my example feels odd - almost like a "dependency injection".

Thoughts? Any experiences with other libraries?

@Slamdunk recommends this library by @lcobucci :


@danilopolani mentioned the classic Carbon library by @briannesbitt :


webdevilopers avatar Oct 06 '21 07:10 webdevilopers

I must confess I did not know about Carbon. Since it extends the existing DateTime object it would mean less change to my codebase.

// Don't really want this to happen so mock now
Carbon::setTestNow(Carbon::createFromDate(2000, 1, 1));

// comparisons are always done in UTC
if (Carbon::now()->gte($internetWillBlowUpOn)) {

// Phew! Return to normal behaviour

webdevilopers avatar Oct 06 '21 07:10 webdevilopers

IMO, you get the same dependency on an external service whether you're using an argument or a static method. The main difference being that the former is more explicit, which I personally tend to prefer (making the implicit, explicit).

I would stick with either injecting the expiration date, or a clock service that will provide it, to the cancel method.

Nonetheless, it seems fine, though overkill at first sight, to use a clock service implementation relying on Carbon (I haven't used it yet).

gquemener avatar Oct 06 '21 07:10 gquemener

IMHO, solving the issue by introducing coupling doesn't really solve the issue, it creates other issues (on the long run, sure):

  1. Tests will be full of calls to DefaultClock::set(), Carbon::setTestNow(), or anything else - leading people to try and get creative to "remove the duplication" by having even more indirection on the tests
  2. Test suite are likely to have flaky tests because of missing "resets" of the clock implementation and shared state - we're only humans, after all

But passing a clock interface to the aggregate root of my example feels odd - almost like a "dependency injection".

That's interesting... what makes it odd, considering that the current time (or a clock interface) is a dependency like TerminationReason (in the case of Subscription#cancel())?

An interesting thing to consider is PSR-20 which would allow you not to depend on a specific clock implementation.

lcobucci avatar Oct 06 '21 08:10 lcobucci

considering that the current time (or a clock interface) is a dependency

Totally agree with your statement :+1:

BTW, Eric Evans gave a really nice talk about modelling "time". I don't recall it being specifically about dealing with the injection of a clock service within an entity, but is related in some way. here it is:

gquemener avatar Oct 06 '21 09:10 gquemener

That's interesting... what makes it odd, considering that the current time (or a clock interface) is a dependency like TerminationReason (in the case of Subscription#cancel())?

It feels like "injecting an extra service". Normally this is not required because other implementations e.g. UUID Factories are called statically:


It feels more "hidden" like the Brick approach:

DefaultClock::set(new FixedClock(Instant::of(1630483200)));

But yes, hidden means "implicit" and maybe "explicite" should be preferred.

Passing a date directly feels similar. And it would require additional logic at least from / for the developer point-of-view. E.g.:

    public function cancel($cancelledAt, TerminationReason $reason, ?string $feedback): void
        if ($cancelledAt < $this->subscribedAt) { //... }

        $this->expiresAt = ...;

webdevilopers avatar Oct 06 '21 11:10 webdevilopers

It feels like "injecting an extra service"

Sure, and what's the problem with that? Wouldn't you do the same when the Entity depends on a domain service?

UUID Factories are called statically

That's a design decision and there are consequences with it too. The key difference is that since we know that a UUID v4 is randomly generated we won't be performing assertions against it - we simply couldn't care less about the generated value.

lcobucci avatar Oct 06 '21 12:10 lcobucci

In my opinion,

generating an UUID v4 within a domain object is a violation of the definition of a Domain model (because it relies on an external resource, being a RNG).

Following strictly the rule would mean to provide the uuid string to the object :

class FooId
   private function __construct(private string $value)
   public static function fromString(string $value): self
       if (!uuid_valid($value)) {
          throw new \InvalidArgumentException;

However, because it is more convenient, and because we hardly ever need to have predictable uuid value, I tend to agree that generating them within Domain object is ok'ish.

On the other hand, dealing with time is a whole different matter, as we almost always need to have predictable date value. First reason being that having a test suite relying on real time would lead to test failure just because... time has passed (in real life), which would be very painful to maintain.

Which is why I personally avoid to depend on the RTC within Domain model (by injecting instances of DateTime, instead of constructing the object within the model, which is where the RTC is questioned by php, for instance).

gquemener avatar Oct 06 '21 13:10 gquemener

My proposal is that you should always try to inject all such dependencies, no matter how (in)convenient this is. In most of the cases constructor injection works great but in some rare cases (eg. php attrubites or domain object code) parameter inject should do the trick. This way you are perfectly safe for the unit tests.

kapitancho avatar Oct 06 '21 17:10 kapitancho