custom-elements-manifest copied to clipboard
sync between source and manifest
2-way sync or at least validation should be part of toolchain. Web Component often has sufficient data in sources to generate manifest, hence there is ability to create match validators which are essential for release lifecycle:
- minor vs major vs patch distinction and prevention on
build level - generation of release notes
The singe source of truth would prevent the mismatch between src and manifest.
- when src is the base, it would generate the manifest
- when manifest is base, it would generate the stub or interface to be extended by implementation.
The editors actually do not need to use manifest as info could be available in runtime of class implementation. But the listing of components, search and filtering would benefit from manifest format. Having runtime info and manifest in sync would prevent the editor misuse.
src > manifest is covered by @custom-elements-manifest/analyzer
Comparing the latest released manifest and package release semver with current code could be based on ^^ generator and Validator
from this package.
Perhaps this conversation could be moved to @open-wc project as toolchain for web components is not in scope /webcomponents group?
I'm having a hard time following this. What's the issue with the schema?