web-clipper copied to clipboard
老问题,这个feature request还开着呢
@wolfstark @OkamiWong @DiamondYuan @PascalNoisette @DiamondYuan @bakanyako Please solve this problem, which causes a lot of trouble for users.
@chaixuqing Please do not randomly @ people just for emphasizing a non-critical issue
If this is really important to you, I encourage you to take the lead, work on this, and benefit other users as this is an open source project
@chaixuqing Please do not randomly @ people just for emphasizing a non-critical issue
If this is really important to you, I encourage you to take the lead, work on this, and benefit other users as this is an open source project
Not important?Very important!It's been a couple years since it's been solved.Doesn't flowus support it?Or did I tell them that the cs developer team has such a thing?
Not important?Very important!It's been a couple years since it's been solved.Doesn't flowus support it?Or did I tell them that the cs developer team has such a thing?
Again, all I want to say is that please do not randomly bother people by @ them. If you believe this issue is of the highest priority you can either just leave a message or emoji reaction in the thread, showing that you care about this, or try to solve it on your own
不重要?非常重要!这个问题已经解决了好几年了。flowus 不支持吗?还是我告诉他们 cs 开发团队有这样的东西?
你强调也没用 我也并不关心 毕竟跟flowus那种背刺app扯上关系的插件 我早就没用了。只是突然看到其他人的评论 确实感觉不会开发完全可以放弃开发。挂在这里 然后等新的笔记软件出来 对你们支持一波 然后再更新一波?搞笑!我说了 那flowus当时是我给他们说有这么个东西 可以剪藏。要不然估计你们后面也不会更新了。还有 这个问题我只是评论 别人艾特你 我是看不惯几年不改回应一下 毕竟也没指望你们能维护下去 可是你们的讨论吵到了我的通知。所以请不要再回复了 很烦 如果我有能力开发 我自己搞一个就行了没必要吧你们的插件维护下去 让你们吃饭