dynmap copied to clipboard
Exception during render job - IllegalFormatConversionException
Issue Description: After issuing a fullrender on world, this error message shows up when starting server.
- Dynmap Version: core=3.4-beta-5-806, plugin=3.4-beta-5-806
- Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-94 (MC: 1.19.1) (Implementing API version 1.19.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 532dc51)
- Server Host (if applicable): Selfhosted
- Pastebin of crashlogs or other relevant logs: https://pastebin.com/raw/W7Qhqf49
- Other Relevant Data/Screenshots: Using external server (PostgreSQL 11) for storage
- Steps to Replicate: Issue fullrender, start server
Please give new SNAPSHOT builds a try - should be fixed (https://dynmap.us/builds/dynmap)