web-push copied to clipboard
404 error sending push with web-push
Operating System: OS X 10.13.6 Node Version: 8+ web-push Version: ^3.3.3
- [ ] Chrome
- [ ] Firefox
- [ X ] Brave for Android
- [ X ] Firefox for Android
- [ ] Opera for Android
- [ ] Samsung Internet Browser
- [ ] Other
Tested with
FF dev edition: 69.0b13 Firefox for Android: latest Chromium: 75.0.3770.80 Brave: 1.0.92 chromium 73.0.3683
Failing to receive push notifications on mobile browsers but am 100% successful when it comes to desktop chrome and desktop Firefox. Mobile Firefox times out at the call to retrieve the subscription, not sure what's uo there. Error below is what I see in my server logs trying to send to Brave (chrome) on Android.
Expecting to receive push notifications in mobile browsers.
Features Used
- [ X ] VAPID Support
- [ X ] GCM API Key
- [ X ] Sending with Payload
Example / Reproduce Case
sendPush is passed a subscription:
and a payload which is just a string. Server side code:
const webPush = require("web-push")
'mailto:[email protected]',
module.exports = {
sendPush: function (subscription, payload, options = {}) {
try {
if (!process.env.VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY || !process.env.VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY) {
console.log("You must set the VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY and VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY "+
"environment variables. You can use the following ones:")
return webPush.sendNotification(subscription, payload)
.then(function(data) {
return data
} catch (error) {
return error
As for the front end, I am using:
const applicationServerKey = "longstring"
const subscribeOptions = {
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: urlBase64ToUint8Array(applicationServerKey)
return navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(async (swreg) => {
let subscription = await swreg.pushManager.getSubscription()
let isSubscribed = !(subscription === null)
if (!isSubscribed) {
return swRegistration.pushManager.subscribe(subscribeOptions).then(subscription => ...)
// and either way send subscription to the server for use later
I have tried with a server key I got from google FCM console with the matching sender ID in my manifest, have tried without the sender ID as well. The exact same code works perfectly on desktop. I believe I'm just really mixed up when it comes to VAPID GCM/FCM and how to navigate all of that, I don't understand why code that works perfectly on desktop triggers to many errors on mobile browsers:
Firefox mobile never makes it passed here: await swreg.pushManager.getSubscription(), it just times out I really don't understand that one.
Brave returns the error detailed below, 404 from webPush.sendNotification call.
Error returned from this call is:
Error sending push message:
{ WebPushError: Received unexpected response code
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Users/new/.nvm/versions/node/v10.0.0/lib/node_modules/web-push/src/web-push-lib.js:317:20)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:187:15)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1091:14)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:174:19)
name: 'WebPushError',
message: 'Received unexpected response code',
statusCode: 404,
{ 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
'x-xss-protection': '0',
date: 'Tue, 13 Aug 2019 20:38:49 GMT',
'content-length': '135',
'alt-svc': 'quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="46,43,39"',
connection: 'close' },
body: 'A valid push subscription endpoint should be specified in the URL as such: https://fcm.googleapis.com/wp/dHIoDxE7Hdg:APA91bH1Zj0kNa...\n',
endpoint: 'https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send/APA91bES_PMZ9P6fqOHYoIc059yEcjRT_5x32SptsrUx8Gbw3FmHaWaJ1bvb-kj1Updw5T9ChWlg9r5ihkmp5XimhmmKEbPKMm6coXo14YJMxqkVCMYrpBdR7X1ZWEmh87O_ZX7AzunN' }