web-push-php copied to clipboard
Sending with payload not working
NOTE: Please test in a least two browsers (i.e. Chrome and Firefox). This helps with diagnosing problems quicker.
Please confirm the following:
- [X] I have read the README entirely
- [X] I have verified in the issues that my problem hasn't already been resolved
Please provide the following details, the more info you can provide the better.
- Operating System: <Linux | Windows | OS X>
- PHP Version: <5.6 | 7.0 | ...>
- web-push-php Version: <1.0.0>
Please check that you have installed and enabled these PHP extensions :
- [X] gmp
- [X] mbstring
- [X] curl
- [X] openssl
Please select any browsers that you are experiencing problems with:
- [X] Chrome
- [X] Firefox
- [ ] Firefox for Mobile
- [ ] Opera for Android
- [ ] Samsung Internet Browser
- [ ] Other
Please explain what behaviour you are seeing.
Send notification with payload, that is delivered to the browser.
hex2bin(): Hexadecimal input string must have an even length vendor/minishlink/web-push/src/Encryption.php:377
hello @dougrhis are you aware if it's possible that when one clicks on a notification if it's possible that it can open up the browser and go to a specific website and or section on that website?
I have same issue
I have the same issue here, any solution?