web-push-php copied to clipboard
Notification failed to sent for subscription
NOTE: Please test in a least two browsers (i.e. Chrome and Firefox). This helps with diagnosing problems quicker.
Please confirm the following:
- [x] I have read the README entirely
- [x] I have verified in the issues that my problem hasn't already been resolved
Please provide the following details, the more info you can provide the better.
- Operating System: Linux
- PHP Version: 7.2
- web-push-php Version: ^5.0
Please check that you have installed and enabled these PHP extensions :
- [x] gmp
- [x] mbstring
- [x] curl
- [x] openssl
Please select any browsers that you are experiencing problems with:
- [x] Chrome
- [x] Firefox
- [ ] Firefox for Mobile
- [ ] Opera for Android
- [ ] Samsung Internet Browser
- [x] Crome for Mobile
Please specify the versions (i.e. Chrome Beta, Firefox Beta etc).
Notification failed to sent for subscription
Please explain what behaviour you are seeing.
Chrome 403 Forbidden the key in the authorization header does not correspond to the sender ID used to subscribe this user.
Firefox 401 Unauthorized "code": 401, "errno": 109, "error": "Unauthorized",
Please explain what you expected to happen
Features Used
- [x] VAPID Support
- [ ] GCM API Key
- [x] Sending with Payload
Example / Reproduce Case
Please provide a code sample that reproduces the issue. If there is a repository that reproduces the issue please put the link here.
Please put any remaining notes here.
In my localhost send notifications but in server AWS EC2 with LAMP failed notifications
Any news on that? Same problem here.
I had this problem. It was caused by a difference in the public key that was used in the front end from the one on the server side. Synced keys, problem went away. Advise: re-issue keys, remove all old subscriptions. Try again