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web-platform-tests Interop project
### Description The [`line-clamp`]( CSS property still needs a `-webkit-` prefix and some additional non-standard properties (`display: -webkit-box` and `-webkit-box-orient: vertical`) to be set in Chromium, WebKit and Firefox. Chromium...
### Description The [`text-decoration`]( CSS property still needs a `-webkit-` prefix in WebKit when specifying multiple values in the shorthand. There exists an [open pull request]( for WebKit, and the...
### Description The [`box-decoration-break`]( CSS property still needs a `-webkit-` prefix in Chromium and WebKit. [Chromium is currently working on shipping unprefixed support]( There is currently an [open pull request](
### Description The [`text-size-adjust`]( CSS property still needs a `-webkit-` prefix in WebKit and Firefox. (Firefox additionally supports the -moz- prefix.) WebKit seems to already match the behavior (?) ([see...
### Description The [`user-select`]( CSS property still needs a `-webkit-` prefix in WebKit. Reading through the [WebKit issue](, there seem to be [various open bugs](, some of which block unprefixing...
### Description The CSS [`print-color-adjust`]( property currently needs `-webkit-` prefix in Chromium. I don't see any open issues about this in the Chromium issue tracker; the implementation also seems to...
### Description WebKit currently does not support the [`scrollbar-color`]( CSS property, meaning that scrollbar coloring is possible exclusively via the non-standard `::-webkit-scrollbar-*` pseudos in WebKit-based browsers. (Support for [`scrollbar-width`]( is...
### Description JSON modules are a way to import JSON in JavaScript using the import attributes Syntax. Import attributes is only stage 3, but is [looking closer]( to becoming stage...
### Description At this point, according to MDN:, Chrome, Firefox, Opera & Safari have added support for importmaps ONLY for main threads. Since March 2018 there is an open...
### Description WebKit currently does not implement the `interactive-widget` property for the viewport `` element, meaning that there is no way to opt-in to layout viewport resizing when a virtual...