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Add Sceptre tool

Open kingdonb opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

The Sceptre tool is described at:

Uses of Sceptre with CodeBuild definitely qualify as GitOps — IMHO even though it does not focus on Kubernetes resources it belongs on this list, and it is not the first or only one on this list to target resources other than Kubernetes.

(Atlantis ++)

kingdonb avatar Oct 13 '19 14:10 kingdonb

the current style dictates one sentence with no periods. can you try and reword?

dimitropoulos avatar Oct 15 '19 11:10 dimitropoulos

Yes absolutely, I noticed this too. Sorry!

kingdonb avatar Oct 15 '19 13:10 kingdonb

I think that on it's own this doesn't qualify as a GitOps tool, per se. That said: I am by no means a single authority on the matter: cc @stefanprodan for another opinion.

If it's part of a stack that can be used to achieve GitOps, then that's totally legit, I think. Perhaps we need another section to capture that kind of tool - one that can be used as a building block to achieve GitOps.

I read most of the repo, and it doesn't make any mention of git or GitOps. Please correct me if I missed something! :)

I think, all of the above said, it does have a place on the list for the reasons you pointed out, which I find very valid. If this were a blog post that showed how to use this together with CodeBuild to do GitOps then it'd be a no-brainer to add, do you know what I mean? Unless you want to write that blog post (which, would be awesome: I'm sure the content team at Weaveworks would be able to help in some way perhaps also posting it on the weaveworks blog?), I think the only remaining course of action would be to make a new section for GitOps Building Blocks under Ancillary Tools for things that are not explicitly GitOps tools (in the way that Flux is a GitOps tool), but rather components that could be used for people interested in the GitOps lifestyle (which, after all... is what this list is for!).


dimitropoulos avatar Oct 15 '19 14:10 dimitropoulos

My $.02 is that I would call this a 'GitOps enabler', but without the necessary glue provided to make it a full-fledged GitOps tool. Which basically concludes to @dimitropoulos his last sentence.

hiddeco avatar Oct 15 '19 15:10 hiddeco

This is great feedback, I was thinking something similar myself as I was reviewing the documentation. I have heard about this tool from a friend. If the tool itself had awareness of git repos and you didn't have to drive it with hooks, it would be a much better sell for this list, but even in its current form it is a "GitOps enabler" and could use at least some better documentation around exactly how that is supposed to work.

I will actually have a go at using the tool to see if I can use it to do something like, standing up the SAM stack for EKSphemeral, if that sounds like enough to make it interesting, stay tuned please!

I'll update my pull request with your suggestions in the mean time and try to get this taken care of within a day or two, although I love the idea, the blog post might take a while longer.

kingdonb avatar Oct 15 '19 17:10 kingdonb

@kingdonb is this still relevant? Let's get it merged then.

makkes avatar Oct 28 '22 15:10 makkes

Looks as relevant as ever 👍 still maintained, etc

I have rebased and took care to preserve the changes from feedback

kingdonb avatar Nov 02 '22 20:11 kingdonb