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Library to keep track of changes to Clojure source files


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ns-tracker is a Clojure library for keeping track of changes to source files and their associated namespaces. This is usually used to automatically reload modified namespaces in a running Clojure application.

It is derived from code in Stuart Sierra's Lazytest tool, and the credit for writing the vast majority of the code used in this library should therefore go to him.


As usual, to use this library, add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[ns-tracker "0.4.0"]


Use the ns-tracker.core/ns-tracker function to create a new tracker function for one or more source directories:

(use 'ns-tracker.core)

(def modified-namespaces
  (ns-tracker ["src" "test"]))

When you call the modified-namespaces function, it will return a list of Clojure namespaces that have changed. You can then reload them on the fly:

(doseq [ns-sym (modified-namespaces)]
  (require ns-sym :reload))

This can be placed in a background thread, or triggered by some user request.

Declaring Dependencies to Static Resources

Some Clojure libraries, such as HugSQL, define functions in a namespace based on the content of a static resource file. ns-tracker is able to reload such a namespace when the resource file is modified with the help of a bit metadata.

You will need to declare the resources under the :ns-tracker/resource-deps key in the namespace's metadata:

(ns example.db
  {:ns-tracker/resource-deps ["sql/queries.sql"]}
  (:require example.utils))    

The resource path needs to be relative to one of the source directories which you gave as a parameter to the ns-tracker.core/ns-tracker function.


Copyright © 2019 James Reeves, Stuart Sierra

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.