James Reeves
James Reeves
If we `touch` each cached shell script before we run it, then we can clean up old caches as we go. Caches that haven't been used in 30 days should...
In `hop.core/bin/hop`, Hop takes a SHA1 of the current buildfile in order to find the cached shell script to run. Since the shell script also depends on the Hop jar...
The `uberjar` default task piggiebacks off Leiningen. The same technique should be used to implement other functions as well: - `check` - `clean` - `compile` - `deploy` - `deps` -...
There should be a default task called `tasks` that lists the available tasks the user can run.
Rather than executing a Clojure namespace to return the current version number, we could instead implement the default version task using the shell's `echo` command.
This PR implements the Ring WebSocket API for this adapter. This is not intended to be merged yet, as the Ring WebSocket API is not yet stable, however I wanted...
I've been working on a [Ring websocket API](https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring/blob/master/SPEC-alpha.md#3-websockets) that's currently in experimental alpha. Would you be interested in a PR to support this in Luminus to be merged when the...
If I specify the following source paths: ``` :source-paths ["dev" "src"] ``` Quickie only appears to pick up "dev". When I change files in "src", Quickie doesn't trigger a test.
Dependencies with version ranges are [not recommended](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/wiki/Repeatability#version-ranges), since they have a [whole bunch of problems](http://nelsonmorris.net/2012/07/31/do-not-use-version-ranges-in-project-clj.html). The Clojure version in the project file should ideally be changed from `[1.3.0,` to `1.3.0`.