fabric-mock-stub copied to clipboard
Error with program argument
When running node test.js
, obtains the following error: gist
Main message:
ERROR [lib/handler.js] uncaughtException: The "peer.address" program argument must be set to a legitimate value of
yarn --version 1.16.0
"devDependencies": {
"@theledger/fabric-mock-stub": "2.0.0"
const { idManager } = require('../public-channel/identity-manager/index');
const { ChaincodeMockStub, Transform } = require("@theledger/fabric-mock-stub");
const identityManager = new idManager();
describe('Init chaincode', () => {
it("Should init idManager without issues", async () => {
const mockStub = new ChaincodeMockStub("MyMockStub", identityManager);
const response = await mockStub.mockInit("tx1", []);
// Your test code
const shim = require('fabric-shim');
const errorCodes = {
unknownFunction: "ERR1",
incorrectNumberOfArgs: "ERR2",
noRight: "ERR3",
companyDiffers: "ERR4",
invokeChaincodeFailed: "ERR5",
queryStateNotFound: "ERR6",
accessListIncorrect: "ERR7",
chaincodeInitAlreadyDone: "ERR8",
keyDoesNotExist: "ERR9",
identityAlreadyExists: "ERR10"
var Chaincode = class {
* Function invoked during chaincode instantiation
* @constructor
* @param {stub} stub - The chaincode API interface
* @return {Buffer} returns data as buffer
Init(stub) {
return shim.success();
* This function is the entry point of the chaincode. EVERY function invokation will start here
* @function Invoke
* @param {stub} stub - The chaincode API interface
* @return {Buffer} returns data as buffer
async Invoke(stub) {
let ret = stub.getFunctionAndParameters();
let method = this[ret.fcn];
if (!method) {
console.error('no function of name:' + ret.fcn + ' found');
throw new Error(errorCodes.incorrectNumberOfArgs);
try {
let payload = await method(stub, ret.params);
return shim.success(payload);
} catch (err) {
return shim.error(err);
* Creates an identity in the identity-manager world state
* @function createIdentity
* @param {stub} stub - The chaincode API interface
* @param {Array} args - The ID of the identity to create | The ID of the identity of the creator | The first name of the identity holder | The last name of the identity holder | The company if the identity holder | The status of the identity to create | The role of the identity to create | The email of the identity to create
async createIdentity(stub, args) {
console.info('============= START : Create Identity ===========');
if (args.length != 8) {
throw new Error(errorCodes.incorrectNumberOfArgs);
try {
//Check if identity exists. If it does, cannot create it
var identityToCreateAsBytes = await stub.getState(args[0]);
if (identityToCreateAsBytes.length) {
console.log("Identity already exist");
throw new Error(errorCodes.identityAlreadyExists);
var identityCreatorAsBytes = await stub.getState(args[1]);
var identityCreatorAsJson = JSON.parse(identityCreatorAsBytes);
// Only chain.administrator can create another chain.administrator
if (args[6] === "chain.administrator" && identityCreatorAsJson.role !== "chain.administrator") {
console.error("Only chain administrator can create a chain administrator identity");
throw new Error(errorCodes.noRight);
// checks the role of the identity creator
if (identityCreatorAsJson.role !== "org.administrator" && identityCreatorAsJson.role !== "chain.administrator") {
console.error("Identity creator does not have rights to create this new identity");
throw new Error(errorCodes.noRight);
// checks the company of the identity creator and created
if (identityCreatorAsJson.company !== args[4]) {
console.error("The company of the creator differs from the new identity company")
throw new Error(errorCodes.companyDiffers);
var identity = {
"providerId": args[1],
"firstName": args[2],
"lastName": args[3],
"company": args[4],
"status": args[5],
"role": args[6],
"email": args[7]
var eventData = {
"identityId": args[0],
"providerId": args[1],
"company": args[4]
stub.setEvent("createIdentity", Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(eventData)));
await stub.putState(args[0], Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(identity)));
console.info('============= END : Create Identity ===========');
identity['id'] = args[0];
return Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(identity));
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);
//many other functions
shim.start(new Chaincode());
may not be called in a node context, only when running from a peer. When writing your tests, please make sure shim.start
and your chaincode are in a seperate file.