wp-user-frontend copied to clipboard
fix: compatible with the events calendar
WPUF's event calendar post form wasn't working for version 6.x.x
new hook introduced
Filter hook: wpuf_tib_event_meta
Description: Opportunity to change The Event Calendar
metadata just before WPUF is saving it to DB
@param array $event_data
The event metadata
@param int $post_id
The post id, in other words, The Event
Action hook: wpuf_tib_after_saving_event_meta
Description: Hook fired just after WPUF saved The Event Calender
metadata to the DB
@param int $post_id
The post id, in other words, The Event
Some test scenarios
- Check backward compatibility for The events calender version less than 6
- Test the
mentioned above. Here is an example of how to use hooks in WordPress. - Check without the WPUF Pro version