Yang Yang
Yang Yang
Thanks for your wonderful work! But there is still a minor issue in v1.7.6. If Alt+Tab is used to switch away and back, the editor is so sensitive that an...
> This might be due to saved settings from a previous version. What happens if you use the Restore Defaults button? Thanks for your suggestion! I tried "Restore Default" on...
@chrisjlocke Sorry I was not quite clear on this point. The Font field is set to 微软雅黑 (aka Microsoft Yahei), but on this dialog, this setting only affects the field...
@mgrojo You are right, thanks! It turns out there are plenty of complaints about the ugly default font of Qt on a Chinese Edition of Windows. Could we add an...
Hi, it's reported back in 2011 as [QTBUG-19309](https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-19309) "Wrong default font on Windows 7". The conclusion was SimSun had to be the fallback font due to support for Windows XP....
I think the default "modern" UI font differs on Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Windows systems. My personal recommendation is to follow the practice of EmEditor (which uses WTL instead Qt,...
The latest release is v0.9.2 from 2018, almost 4 years ago. Maybe tag a new version?
我在音韵方面所知寥寥,以下粗浅想法仅供参考。 拼音单韵母i、u、ü之前如果没有声母,就应另加零声母y、w、y。这在1958年林汉达先生奠基性的《汉语拼音自修课本》中,称为“头母”(1985年文字改革出版社重版,第20页)。 现代汉语语法体系从西语语法体系借鉴良多,1955年我国自创注音字母失败后,也直接采用拉丁字母作为汉语拼音的基础。这种“捡现成”的好处是立等可用,一个缺陷就是难免削足适履,未能圆融自洽。我们用主谓宾名动行之类的洋词套到汉语头上时,刚开始还好,越深入越会觉得怪模怪样。 [零声母是什么?一共有几个零声母?](https://www.zhihu.com/question/24075950)中山大学的poem开门见山地说:“「零聲母」是一個很難定義準確的概念,建議不必使用。「零聲母」的概念,估計是在翻譯引進音系學時,參照模仿zero phoneme的概念提出的。本意似乎是想在對於缺少聲母音位時用「零聲母」來填充。”中文维基百科也把“零声母”列为“有争议的”([https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/声母](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/声母))。 我比较赞同上面的观点,倾向于把“零声母”看作未能合理本土化的“边角料”。“零”想表达的应该不是nothing,non-existent,而是placeholder,sentinel。既然拼音标准已经如此,对于这样有争议的点,我更喜欢简明整齐的处理。 具体到pinyin程序,简明的方式显然是切前缀、切后缀:wén -> w -> én;而不是似乎精确高深,但既让普通用户莫名其妙(纯瞎猜)、实际用途也相对较小(仍然是猜)的:wén -> -> uén。这用程序处理起来也费劲呀…… 所以,是不是可以考虑改用上面蠢萌易懂,又不易出错的方式,另外面向热爱零声母的高级用户,增加一个`-0`选项,对应于目前的输出结果,也算是求仁得仁,least surprise了。
> @wdscxsj, so you agree that the best and easiest understandable way is to cut like the following? Absolutely. Thanks for the fix. > That link is gone. The new...
Thanks for the tip!