
Results 97 comments of wds15

Thanks for the heads up…take your time.

@andrjohns what are you asking for specifically? We use easybuild to manage dependencies and stuff. Together with the modules thing everything is managed nicely (e.g. the PATH variable is extended...

Statically linking the TBB is **strongly** discouraged by the TBB folks. So I would not ever do that. Technically it is possible, but not recommended at all from Intel. Wrt....

as I recall there is a corresponding cmdstan branch. With that it should work, but let's wait for @bbbales2 .

Hi! Indeed, `as_draws_matrix(rvar(rstantools_samp, nchains=4))` gives me what I want for the example I quoted. Maybe all of the `as_draws_*` should have a `.nchains` argument? Certainly, the `as_draws_matrix` needs it... and...

> (I think) the diagnose method compares the computed / approximated gradient of only the initial points with a finite difference approximation. Correct. I think that this feature is a...

Have u considered compressing the csv files? I think rstan can just read in the compressed csv as well and compressing the csv's saves you a lot...but this a while...

I also needed this function and ended up with a `((which(t(x==1)) - 1) %% ncol(x)) + 1` version of this. The trick is essentially to cast `x` to a vector...

An @bgoodri and @hsbadr have a quick look at this and evaluate on how difficult this change will be to manage for rstan?