Hi. Could you tell me, haw can i create object master and slave at the same time? I have one slave what listen, and works well,second uart is as master...
Hi This is my first post here, and i like to write what i like to do. I like to filter commands in volvo car (disable some function). I build...
esp with working wifi, www server, spiffs, socket, oled via spi. added ftp, and when transfering file esp crash. using filezilla, disconnect client when choiced transfer file (i have to...
Hello Is it possible to make function without /r/n signs on the end of print() function on nodemcu for esp8622? Any data send to uart always end new line and...
Hello, great idea with this project. I have question,is it possible to make some conventer i2s to i2s with volume correction? Or other futures (equalizer??). Regards
Hello Could You check something for me? I have client, and a have to reset them few time. Your server works very well, but has problem with disconnect issue. When...
hello How long TX bufer can send data from uart to socket on server? i have some bug on transfer string from server to client.
HI nice work with littlespiffs! I have question, how to set flag E to files uploaded by www?