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Tools for using fonts in R graphics
In function `extrafont:::type1_import`, the line pfbdata
I do not know how R handles fonts, but it appears that it only deals with Type1 postscript fonts for which we need a separate font metrics file, `fontname.afm`. `extrafont`...
I've installed extrafont and all of the dependencies, but whenever I try to run `font_import()`, my font directory is detected as `C:\Windows\Fonts`, but every font in the list just says...
e.g.: ``` /Library/Fonts/BigCaslon.ttf : No FontName. Skipping. ``` and (more spectacularly): ``` /Library/Fonts/Chalkduster.ttfsh: line 1: 86587 Abort trap: 6 '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.0/Resources/library/Rttf2pt1/exec//ttf2pt1' -a -GfAe '/Library/Fonts/Chalkduster.ttf' '/var/folders/jd/hrv5pvps34lflzkmt6q1czsc0000gp/T//RtmpAT3LLx/fonts/Chalkduster' 2>&1 : No FontName. Skipping. ```...
Hi @wch, thank you for an awesome package! 🌻 I have a question regarding [`font_install()`](https://github.com/wch/extrafont/blob/054a41fcba237cbb693144a0fc7b23a9e30f0c2b/R/font.r#L45): is there a way to use the function to install the font family in the...
1. When I use font_import to import fonts, the computer always freezes. Is my computer's configuration not high?, 2. There is also that when I use grdevice::cairo_pdf() to export pdf,...
My code: ``` #Create local directory for my packages dir.create(path = "M:/PortableSoftware/R-3.0.2/mylibrary") #Set local library for my packages my.library loadfonts(device = "pdf", quiet = FALSE) Times New Roman already registered...
I am running these import Liner and can't seem to import fonts correctly to R.. ``` install.packages("extrafontdb", repos = "http://cran.rstudio.com/") install.packages("extrafont") library(extrafont) library(extrafontdb) font_import() ``` (The Results I get) https://imgur.com/3wMTnpg...
I noticed some discussion in issue #44 that functions in the package grDevices didn't have `grDevices::` prefixes, which caused problems in checks for downstream package (mine included) that use extrafont....
I installed some new truetype fonts that I wanted to use (and they work fine in MS Word), but font_import() skips right over it. I've also tried specifying the path...