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Overview of the LIFX themes

LIFX Themes

This repository provides information about the themes that are available in the LIFX App in the following formats:

  • Markdown (this file): Autumn, Blissful, Cheerful, Dream, Energizing, Epic, Exciting, Focusing, Halloween, Hanukkah, Holly, Independence Day, Intense, Mellow, Peaceful, Powerful, Relaxing, Santa, Serene, Soothing, Sports, Spring, Tranquil, Warming
  • JSON:
    • Pretty printed: lifx-themes-hex-hsbk-rgb.json, lifx-themes-hex.json, lifx-themes-hsbk.json, lifx-themes-rgb.json
    • Minified: lifx-themes-hex-hsbk-rgb.min.json, lifx-themes-hex.min.json, lifx-themes-hsbk.min.json, lifx-themes-rgb.min.json


# 0 1 2 3
Autumn #804200 #4f8000 #806800 #807b00
HSBK 31,100,50,3500 83,100,50,3500 49,100,50,3500 58,100,50,3500
RGB 128,66,0 79,128,0 128,104,0 128,123,0
#RRGGBB #804200 #4f8000 #806800 #807b00


# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Blissful #d1abcf #495187 #7c6fb0 #9893cf #2e1d2d #ffee00 #c779ac
HSBK 303,18,82,3500 232,46,53,3500 252,37,69,3500 245,29,81,3500 303,37,18,3500 56,100,100,3500 321,39,78,3500
RGB 209,171,207 73,81,135 124,111,176 152,147,207 46,29,45 255,238,0 199,121,172
#RRGGBB #d1abcf #495187 #7c6fb0 #9893cf #2e1d2d #ffee00 #c779ac


# 0 1 2 3 4
Cheerful #ff00d4 #3d1078 #140099 #ab9100 #7d11ab
HSBK 310,100,100,3500 266,87,47,3500 248,100,60,3500 51,100,67,3500 282,90,67,3500
RGB 255,0,212 61,16,120 20,0,153 171,145,0 125,17,171
#RRGGBB #ff00d4 #3d1078 #140099 #ab9100 #7d11ab


# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Dream #0e2b3b #144f52 #7b939e #b5c3e8 #5e6c85 #358c79 #0e2b3b
HSBK 201,76,23,3500 183,75,32,3500 199,22,62,3500 223,22,91,3500 219,29,52,3500 167,62,55,3500 201,76,23,3500
RGB 14,43,59 20,79,82 123,147,158 181,195,232 94,108,133 53,140,121 14,43,59
#RRGGBB #0e2b3b #144f52 #7b939e #b5c3e8 #5e6c85 #358c79 #0e2b3b


# 0 1 2 3 4 5
Energizing #ffffff #87cdff #1cd5ff #04006b #094545 #4d4d4d
HSBK 0,0,100,9000 205,47,100,3500 191,89,100,3500 242,100,42,3500 180,87,27,3500 0,0,30,9000
RGB 255,255,255 135,205,255 28,213,255 4,0,107 9,69,69 77,77,77
#RRGGBB #ffffff #87cdff #1cd5ff #04006b #094545 #4d4d4d


# 0 1 2 3 4 5
Epic #0039f5 #000f7d #3a8c91 #b7acf2 #431894 #781d82
HSBK 226,100,96,3500 233,100,49,3500 184,60,57,3500 249,29,95,3500 261,84,58,3500 294,78,51,3500
RGB 0,57,245 0,15,125 58,140,145 183,172,242 67,24,148 120,29,130
#RRGGBB #0039f5 #000f7d #3a8c91 #b7acf2 #431894 #781d82


# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Exciting #ff0000 #ffaa00 #ffff00 #00ff08 #0004ff #8400ff #e600ff
HSBK 0,100,100,3500 40,100,100,3500 60,100,100,3500 122,100,100,3500 239,100,100,3500 271,100,100,3500 294,100,100,3500
RGB 255,0,0 255,170,0 255,255,0 0,255,8 0,4,255 132,0,255 230,0,255
#RRGGBB #ff0000 #ffaa00 #ffff00 #00ff08 #0004ff #8400ff #e600ff


# 0 1 2 3 4
Focusing #ff9ec2 #ffe3a3 #fff8c9 #ffffff #ffffff
HSBK 338,38,100,3500 42,36,100,3500 52,21,100,3500 0,0,100,9000 0,0,100,2500
RGB 255,158,194 255,227,163 255,248,201 255,255,255 255,255,255
#RRGGBB #ff9ec2 #ffe3a3 #fff8c9 #ffffff #ffffff


# 0 1 2 3 4 5
Halloween #ff8400 #995200 #ff8800 #995400 #ff8c00 #b36500
HSBK 31,100,100,3500 32,100,60,2800 32,100,100,4200 33,100,60,4900 33,100,100,2450 34,100,70,2800
RGB 255,132,0 153,82,0 255,136,0 153,84,0 255,140,0 179,101,0
#RRGGBB #ff8400 #995200 #ff8800 #995400 #ff8c00 #b36500


# 0 1 2 3 4 5
Hanukkah #7ab6ff #0059ff #525252 #003b57 #000c59 #191b21
HSBK 213,52,100,3500 219,100,100,3500 0,0,32,7000 199,100,34,3500 232,100,35,3500 225,25,13,3500
RGB 122,182,255 0,89,255 82,82,82 0,59,87 0,12,89 25,27,33
#RRGGBB #7ab6ff #0059ff #525252 #003b57 #000c59 #191b21


# 0 1 2 3 4
Holly #0dff00 #29ff19 #ff0400 #048000 #e60000
HSBK 117,100,100,3500 116,90,100,3500 1,100,100,3500 118,100,50,3500 360,100,90,3500
RGB 13,255,0 41,255,25 255,4,0 4,128,0 230,0,0
#RRGGBB #0dff00 #29ff19 #ff0400 #048000 #e60000

Independence Day

# 0 1 2
Independence Day #ffffff #ff0000 #0000ff
HSBK 360,0,100,3500 360,100,100,3500 240,100,100,3500
RGB 255,255,255 255,0,0 0,0,255
#RRGGBB #ffffff #ff0000 #0000ff


# 0 1 2 3
Intense #4640ff #de00de #03ffbc #08003b
HSBK 242,75,100,3500 300,100,87,3500 164,99,100,3500 248,100,23,3500
RGB 70,64,255 222,0,222 3,255,188 8,0,59
#RRGGBB #4640ff #de00de #03ffbc #08003b


# 0 1 2 3 4
Mellow #966869 #d19fc5 #020066 #5e5280 #646661
HSBK 359,31,59,3500 315,24,82,3500 241,100,40,3500 256,36,50,3500 79,5,40,3500
RGB 150,104,105 209,159,197 2,0,102 94,82,128 100,102,97
#RRGGBB #966869 #d19fc5 #020066 #5e5280 #646661


# 0 1 2 3 4
Peaceful #0f181c #d97875 #d9d18b #8f3b35 #5e7c8f
HSBK 198,48,11,3500 2,46,85,3500 54,36,85,3500 4,63,56,3500 203,34,56,3500
RGB 15,24,28 217,120,117 217,209,139 143,59,53 94,124,143
#RRGGBB #0f181c #d97875 #d9d18b #8f3b35 #5e7c8f


# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Powerful #a81d02 #faf74b #691401 #fbfc8d #fa4e05 #f7da1e #f7da1e
HSBK 10,99,66,3500 59,70,98,3500 11,99,41,3500 61,44,99,3500 18,98,98,3500 52,88,97,3500 52,88,97,3500
RGB 168,29,2 250,247,75 105,20,1 251,252,141 250,78,5 247,218,30 247,218,30
#RRGGBB #a81d02 #faf74b #691401 #fbfc8d #fa4e05 #f7da1e #f7da1e


# 0 1 2 3
Relaxing #35ff0d #d0ff00 #0d5410 #0d1a0d
HSBK 110,95,100,3500 71,100,100,3500 123,85,33,3500 120,50,10,3500
RGB 53,255,13 208,255,0 13,84,16 13,26,13
#RRGGBB #35ff0d #d0ff00 #0d5410 #0d1a0d


# 0 1 2 3
Santa #ff0000 #fff2f4 #940500 #858585
HSBK 0,100,100,3500 351,5,100,3500 2,100,58,3500 0,0,52,6000
RGB 255,0,0 255,242,244 148,5,0 133,133,133
#RRGGBB #ff0000 #fff2f4 #940500 #858585


# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Serene #d1e8e8 #257efa #354d5e #294018 #596b4f #79e08e #439af7
HSBK 179,10,91,3500 215,85,98,3500 205,44,37,3500 94,63,25,3500 100,26,42,3500 132,46,88,3500 211,73,97,3500
RGB 209,232,232 37,126,250 53,77,94 41,64,24 89,107,79 121,224,142 67,154,247
#RRGGBB #d1e8e8 #257efa #354d5e #294018 #596b4f #79e08e #439af7


# 0 1 2 3 4
Soothing #ab8c98 #ab5579 #ffffff #ff4ff9 #945173
HSBK 336,18,67,3500 335,50,67,3500 0,0,100,8000 302,69,100,3500 330,45,58,3500
RGB 171,140,152 171,85,121 255,255,255 255,79,249 148,81,115
#RRGGBB #ab8c98 #ab5579 #ffffff #ff4ff9 #945173


# 0 1 2
Sports #f5f12f #00f500 #42ff42
HSBK 59,81,96,3500 120,100,96,3500 120,74,100,3500
RGB 245,241,47 0,245,0 66,255,66
#RRGGBB #f5f12f #00f500 #42ff42


# 0 1 2 3
Spring #007780 #7d0080 #806800 #005980
HSBK 184,100,50,3500 299,100,50,3500 49,100,50,3500 198,100,50,3500
RGB 0,119,128 125,0,128 128,104,0 0,89,128
#RRGGBB #007780 #7d0080 #806800 #005980


# 0 1 2 3 4 5
Tranquil #000000 #40a9f5 #0f9df5 #0703ff #fcb43f #876717
HSBK 0,0,0,8500 205,74,96,3500 203,94,96,3500 241,99,100,3500 37,75,99,3500 43,83,53,3500
RGB 0,0,0 64,169,245 15,157,245 7,3,255 252,180,63 135,103,23
#RRGGBB #000000 #40a9f5 #0f9df5 #0703ff #fcb43f #876717


# 0 1 2 3 4 5
Warming #c20d00 #f5da9d #db2a38 #a6925d #968317 #4d4d4d
HSBK 4,100,76,3500 42,36,96,3500 355,81,86,3500 44,44,65,3500 51,85,59,3500 0,0,30,3500
RGB 194,13,0 245,218,157 219,42,56 166,146,93 150,131,23 77,77,77
#RRGGBB #c20d00 #f5da9d #db2a38 #a6925d #968317 #4d4d4d