Results 55 issues of wouter bolsterlee

hey, i'm wondering what made you decide to use a classmethod for `Schema.validate()` which then returns an _instance_ of the schema. i am wondering how this would work nicely when...

i admit i do not understand completely what's going on, but the `Field._creation_counter` seems like a hack to me, and i wonder why it's necessary? since python 3.6, dictionaries retain...

some ideas: * use [keyword-only arguments]( for any function argument with a non-obvious meaning, e.g. a function that fetches "items" (whatever those may be) from a url, but can optionally...

not all `pass` statements occurring in places where they are not _technically required_ are useless. consider for instance a command line app written using the popular `click` library, featuring some...

Initial parsing works: ``` >>> rfc3986.uri_reference('http://æåëý.com/path?query#fragment') URIReference(scheme='http', authority='æåëý.com', path='/path', query='query', fragment='fragment') ``` Subsequent normalisation silently loses data: ``` >>> rfc3986.uri_reference('http://æåëý.com/path?query#fragment').normalize() URIReference(scheme='http', authority=None, path='/path', query='query', fragment='fragment') ```

hi, helpful is very nice... but... 😉 a `helpful-mode` to enable rebindings of the functions provided by `helpful` would be... helpful! inspiration: this would be similar to what `counsel-mode` does.

would it be possible to force the window that i just moved to keep focus? right now, when i move a window using a keyboard shortcut, and the window resizes...

Type: Bug
Wont fix

it would be great to have a way to jump to a mark. basically it would be `evil-goto-mark` with an overlay showing the actual mark characters. so when i create...

would it be possible to force the window size instead of adhering to the snap requests from applications like gnome-terminal? asfaiu these requests are just hints to the window manager,...

hi, i wrote a `imenu` based parser that creates folds (without any nesting) from `imenu` entries. i think this is very useful behaviour. let me know what you think, and...