emacs-python-pytest copied to clipboard
Adding custom plugins support easily
Hello there, I am using your package more and more, and keep liking it. In my python projects I usually defines some custom command lines arguments for pytest, and found a nice way to add them dynamically to the transient menu.
I rely on .dir-locals.el for projects variables, to store custom transients menu and load them accordingly:
(defvar pytest-local-transient '((:info "No local options")) "Local options for creating local prefixes." )
;; Custom Group specification
;; https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/transient.html#Group-Specifications
(transient-append-suffix 'python-pytest-dispatch '(-2)
["Local Options"
:setup-children (lambda (_)
(list (transient-parse-suffix transient--suffixes pytest-local-transient)))
And then define custom transient suffix in a .dir-locals.el file:
;; $MY_PYTHON_PROJECT/.dir-locals.el
((python-mode (pytest-local-transient .
"b" "Backend to run" "--backend="
:multi-value repeat
:choices ("cpu" "gpu")
Let me know if you would like to have this as a PR, but as it is fairly minimal coda I think it will still be happy if it stayed comfy in my config.
is there a way to not have that ‘local options’ section in the transient window at all? i'd like to avoid useless clutter for a feature that not many people will use and that doesn't do anything by default.
Yes !
(defvar pytest-local-transient nil "Local transient options for pytest")
(transient-define-prefix python-pytest-dispatch ()
"Show popup for running pytest."
:man-page "pytest"
:incompatible '(("--exitfirst" "--maxfail="))
:value '("--color")
[("-c" "color" "--color")
("-q" "quiet" "--quiet")
("-s" "no output capture" "--capture=no")
["Selection, filtering, ordering"
" "] ;; visual alignment
[("--dm" "run doctests" "--doctest-modules")
("--nf" "new first" "--new-first")
("--sw" "stepwise" "--stepwise")
("--co" "collect only" "--collect-only")]]
["Failures, errors, debugging"
[("-l" "show locals" "--showlocals")
("-p" "debug on error" "--pdb")
("-x" "exit after first failure" "--exitfirst")]
[("--ff" "failed first" "--failed-first")
("--ft" "full tracebacks" "--full-trace")
("--mf" "exit after N failures or errors" "--maxfail=")
("--rx" "run xfail tests" "--runxfail")
("--tr" "debug on each test" "--trace")]]
["Options for pytest-xdist"
[("-f" "loop on failure" "--looponfail")]]
["Local Options"
:setup-children (lambda (_) (transient-parse-suffixes transient--suffixes pytest-local-transient))
:if-non-nil pytest-local-transient
(:info "No Local options")]
["Run tests"
[("t" "all" python-pytest)]
[("r" "repeat" python-pytest-repeat)
("x" "last failed" python-pytest-last-failed)]
[("f" "file (dwim)" python-pytest-file-dwim)
("F" "file (this)" python-pytest-file)]
[("m" "files" python-pytest-files)
("M" "directories" python-pytest-directories)]
[("d" "def/class (dwim)" python-pytest-function-dwim)
("D" "def/class (this)" python-pytest-function)]])
I overwrite the definition for prototyping , using transient-append-suffix
was creating a new section each time ...
Also now we can define multiple CLI arguments like so
((python-mode (pytest-local-transient .
"b" "Backend to run" "--backend="
:multi-value repeat
:choices ("cpu" "gpu")
("c" "custom command" "--custom-command")])