wazuh-ruleset copied to clipboard
Improve Sysmantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) rules and decoders
Hi team,
Exists some rules and decoders for Symantec products. They can be found in 0120-sysmantec-av_rules.xml, 0125-sysmantec-ws_rules.xml and 0330-sysmantec_decoders.xml files.
These rules have not been modified for three years and now have some flaws. For example:
- Rule 7320 is not correct.
Event number 13 fire Symantec AntiVirus Shutdown.
And following rule says event 13 occurs when the scan is started or stopped.
- The
decoder also doesn't seem match SEP logs:
- Only exist rules for Eventlog logs format and not for Eventchannel logs format.
We could improve rules and decoders using the following information: Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.x event log entries
Best regards, Eva