LedControl copied to clipboard
Function to print char array
I don't know how to add this function to your useful library. This is what I wrote to print a char[] array to 7segment module:
void SEVSEG_PRINT(uint8_t arg1_ID, char arg2_DATA[]) {
uint8_t tmp_LOCATION = 0;
bool tmp_HAS_POINT = false;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strlen(arg2_DATA); i++) {
char tmp_CHAR = arg2_DATA[strlen(arg2_DATA) - i - 1];
char tmp_CHAR_NEXT = arg2_DATA[strlen(arg2_DATA) - i - 2];
if (tmp_CHAR == '.') {
if (tmp_CHAR_NEXT == '.') {
SEVSEG_MODULE.setChar(arg1_ID, tmp_LOCATION, '.', tmp_HAS_POINT);
tmp_HAS_POINT = false;
} else {
tmp_HAS_POINT = true;
} else if (isalpha(tmp_CHAR) || tmp_CHAR == ' ') {
SEVSEG_MODULE.setChar(arg1_ID, tmp_LOCATION, tmp_CHAR, tmp_HAS_POINT);
tmp_HAS_POINT = false;
} else if (isdigit(tmp_CHAR)) {
SEVSEG_MODULE.setDigit(arg1_ID, tmp_LOCATION, tmp_CHAR - '0', tmp_HAS_POINT);
tmp_HAS_POINT = false;
I hope it helps!
Try calling SEVSEG_PRINT(0, 'Hello ...');