popup-kill-ring copied to clipboard
currently broken because of (void-variable menu)
popup-menu-event-loop(#s(popup :point 19 :row 0 :column 16 :width 30 :height 15 :min-height nil :direction 1 :overlays [#<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*> #<overlay from 1 to 1 in *Backtrace*>] :keymap nil :parent nil :depth 0 :face popup-menu-face :mouse-face popup-menu-mouse-face :selection-face popup-menu-selection-face :summary-face popup-menu-summary-face :margin-left 2 :margin-right 1 :margin-left-cancel nil :scroll-bar t :symbol nil :cursor 0 :offset 0 :scroll-top 0 :current-height 2 :list (#(" (treesit-install-language-grammar 'python)" 0 43 (index 0 summary "(0)")) #("#+end_src" 0 9 (index 3 summary "(1)"))) :newlines 7 :pattern nil :original-list (#(" (treesit-install-language-grammar 'python)" 0 43 (index 0 summary "(0)")) #("#+end_src" 0 9 (index 3 summary "(1)"))) :invis-overlays nil) (keymap (left . popup-kill-ring-hide) (right . popup-kill-ring-current) (2 . popup-kill-ring-hide) (6 . popup-kill-ring-current) (up . popup-kill-ring-previous) (down . popup-kill-ring-next) (16 . popup-kill-ring-previous) (14 . popup-kill-ring-next) (13 . popup-kill-ring-select) keymap (mouse-5 . popup-next) (mouse-4 . popup-previous) (mouse-1 . popup-select) (19 . popup-isearch) (127 . popup-help) (f1 . popup-help) (prior . popup-page-previous) (next . popup-page-next) (up . popup-previous) (16 . popup-previous) (down . popup-next) (14 . popup-next) (left . popup-close) (2 . popup-close) (right . popup-open) (6 . popup-open) (13 . popup-select)) popup-menu-fallback :prompt nil :help-delay nil :isearch t :isearch-filter popup-isearch-filter-list :isearch-cursor-color "blue" :isearch-keymap (keymap (25 . popup-isearch-yank) (127 . popup-isearch-delete) (8 . popup-isearch-delete) (left . popup-isearch-close) (2 . popup-isearch-close) (7 . popup-isearch-cancel)) :isearch-callback nil)
popup-menu*((#(" (treesit-install-language-grammar 'python)" 0 43 (index 0 summary "(0)")) #("#+end_src" 0 9 (index 3 summary "(1)"))) :width 30 :keymap (keymap (left . popup-kill-ring-hide) (right . popup-kill-ring-current) (2 . popup-kill-ring-hide) (6 . popup-kill-ring-current) (up . popup-kill-ring-previous) (down . popup-kill-ring-next) (16 . popup-kill-ring-previous) (14 . popup-kill-ring-next) (13 . popup-kill-ring-select) keymap (mouse-5 . popup-next) (mouse-4 . popup-previous) (mouse-1 . popup-select) (19 . popup-isearch) (127 . popup-help) (f1 . popup-help) (prior . popup-page-previous) (next . popup-page-next) (up . popup-previous) (16 . popup-previous) (down . popup-next) (14 . popup-next) (left . popup-close) (2 . popup-close) (right . popup-open) (6 . popup-open) (13 . popup-select)) :margin-left 2 :margin-right 2 :scroll-bar t :isearch t)
command-execute(debug record)
ivy-read("M-x " [## magit-section-show-headings log-edit-remember-comment eshell-insert-buffer-name archive-proper-file-start tramp-completion-handle-file-name-all-completions Browse\ URL org-clock-get-sum-start table-source-caption-history Reduce\ To:\ to\ Cc: org-jira-org-clock-to-date magit-revision-filter-files-on-follow elfeed-search-face-alist japanese-hiragana-two-byte cc-vars dired-unmark-all-marks rng-parse-validate-file magit-xref-insert-button inactive elfeed-db-update-hook elfeed-entry-id--cmacro raw-text-dos org-habit-scheduled transient:magit-diff-refresh:--irreversible-delete erc-button-describe-symbol erc-server-connect smie-config--guess-value magit-list-modified-modules gnuplot--inhibit-filter request-response-p--cmacro :odt-styles-file erc-track-showcount tramp-sudoedit-handle-set-file-acl slime-presentation-start map-vmod rng-match-infer-start-tag-namespace Above org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset int-file-name org-agenda-menu-show-matcher elfeed-feeds magit-filename dired-do-chmod :kill-buffer zoo jiralib-fields-for-action-cache-p Noto\ Sans\ Gurmukhi transient:magit-log:--dense bibtex-text-in-string zot ...] :predicate #f(compiled-function (sym) #<bytecode -0x51c8f0afa0e77d0>) :require-match t :history counsel-M-x-history :action counsel-M-x-action :keymap (keymap (67108908 . counsel--info-lookup-symbol) (67108910 . counsel-find-symbol)) :initial-input nil :caller counsel-M-x)
I just spent some time trying to figure this out, and it looks like the problem is that this commit https://github.com/auto-complete/popup-el/commit/4036e5590a842390b12919473cb71654cae28783 of popup enabled lexical binding.