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Sparse matrices
Given the limited memory and bandwidth in a browser, sparse matrices could speed up transmission times and lower the memory usage.
Some example use cases: (1) If a model inefficiently creates many zero weights (e.g. a ReLU nonlinearity), then this could be useful. I speak hypothetically, not from experience here. (2) Representing graphs of nodes and edges like in a network would benefit from a formal sparse format since networks often have many zeros. Analyzing reachability in a graph requires multiplying a matrix with itself. (3) In language models there can be very large one-hot vectors representing input data which could be more memory efficient. If a matrix multiply could handle a sparse input vector and dense matrix/array weight vector that would be cool.
Examples of existing javascript versions: http://mathjs.org/examples/sparse_matrices.js.html http://numericjs.com/wordpress/?p=26
Existing codebase: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/sparse_ops/ http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/davis/suitesparse.html https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Matrix/Matrix.pdf
I really want this too. I'm still trying to figure out how much needs to be in this library and how much should be implemented in a layer on top of it.
Thanks for adding a place to discuss it!