Waylan Limberg
Waylan Limberg
Admonitions are non-standard and I'm not surprised this fails. But is is annoying that it fails to recognize that the block is indented for some other reason than being a...
> but pretend there are far more links and much more text so it isn't as easy to see. @d0ugal makes a good point. In fact, my first example was...
What I hate most about automated tests is when a dependency of those tests updates and suddenly my tests are failing for something completely unrelated to what I am working...
> What is the usage of line numbers in your case? I would be using this for a linter like tool. Perhaps a spellchecker or a link checker. In the...
:+1: this comment to vote for document boost or :-1: this comment to vote against document boost.
@d0ugal you closed #924 only 3 days ago and you labeled this [Enhancment] today. Did you change your mind? To be clear, I don't care which way you rule on...
I recently came across a few static site generators (I forget which offhand) which used an extension like `.page`. Personally, I've always preferred `.txt` for Markdown files. The creator of...
> I think something like `.page` is clever as it makes it more project specific (this file is a page in project X; therefore its not likely to support being...
Hmm, if we include less levels, some people request more, but if we include more, some people want less. Seems like this should be configurable as everyone has a different...
> on some pages, 3 levels might make sense but on others only 2 Well, then it couldn't be a config option, it would need to be a meta data...