WRCalendarView copied to clipboard
How can i give start and end time ?
@wayfinders Thanks! ``frmdt": "04-Sep-2017", "todt": "10-Sep-2017", "strdt": "2017-09-03T18:30:00.000Z", "endt": "2017-09-09T18:30:00.000Z", "frmtm": "08:45", "totm": "09:30", "caldate": "04-Sep-2017 - 10-Sep-2017", "caltime": "08:45 - 09:30",'`
this im getting array from server (sunday - saturday) . i need to show on calendar. i stuck to implementing your code. can you please let me know . some example code . how can i implement and acheive it. please guide me.
Its Start TimeStamp with duration of the between Start and End time