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API snapshot testing


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Smart API snapshot testing and linting


Kombucha is a command-line program for performing API snapshot testing. The first time Kombucha runs, it executes the HTTP requests you specify and stores the corresponding JSON responses for those requests. These initial responses become the known-good “snapshots” of the API endpoints you are interested in.

On subsequent runs, Kombucha compares the live response for each endpoint to its corresponding snapshot, and flags differences that it finds problematic. Kombucha is smart enough to know that simple differences in the values inside an API response (eg. a value that changed from true to false, or from "monday" to "tuesday") do not constitute breakages of the contract for that API. Instead, Kombucha uses a simple heuristic to determine whether data differences are problematic.

To put it another way, Kombucha can flag for you when API contracts are broken as endpoints are modified or evolved. However, unlike some other tools, the user does not have to manually specify details of the API contract — Kombucha uses each endpoint’s snapshot as an implicit understanding of the contract.

For details on this computation see the structure check.


To spin up Kombucha tests for your endpoints, create a configuration file:

Configuration file

Kombucha’s behavior is governed by a declarative JSON configuration file. This section explains the contents of that file in detail, or you can jump into the repo and check out a sample configuration file directly.

The top level of the configuration file looks like this:

  "sharedHttpHeadersForSnaps": {
        "User-Agent": "kombucha-this-is-a-test-v-0.0001"
  "snaps": [ ... ]
  • sharedHttpHeadersForSnaps is used to set up HTTP headers that will be present in all requests. They can be overridden or setup for an individual snap by using the httpHeaders key on the snap object (more detail below).
  • snaps is an array of API endpoints that you would like tested. Here’s what a single entry in the snaps array looks like:
  "snaps": [
      "body": { ... },
      "host": "httpbin.org",
      "httpMethod": "GET",
      "httpHeaders": {
        "Accept-Language": "en-US"  
      "path": "/response-headers",
      "queryItems": {
        "foo": "1",
        "bar": "2",
        "baz": "3"
      "scheme": "https",
      "__snapName": "myUniqueSnapName",
      "__snapType": "__REST"
  • The snaps entry needs to contain the __snapName key to uniquely identify the request. This name will be used to create a file with the snap result on disk.
  • It is possible to specify any HTTP header field with the httpHeaders key, the value of a header needs to be a string. This key is not required.
  • The body key (not required) accepts arbitrary JSON and it will be used to set the body if the HTTP request.
  • __snapType specifies the type of request Kombucha is going to issue. The __REST" type represents a simple HTTP request. The HTTP method most be specified with the required httpMethod key, use GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH or any other methods as the value. The remaining parameters are interpreted accordingly: queryItems are converted into key-value pairs and appended onto the path, etc.
    • The snaps entry above results in an HTTP GET to https://httpbin.org/response-headers?foo=1&bar=2&baz=3. In addition, Kombucha always sends an Accept header of application/json.

Configuration file for graphQL

Kombucha also supports GraphQL endpoints.

  "snaps": [
      "host": "www.testHost.com",
      "path": "/graphql",
      "httpHeaders": {
        "Accept-Language": "en-US"  
      "queryContent": {
        "variables": {
          "variableName": "aValue"
        "queryText": "query Model($variableName: String!) { model(variableName: $variableName) { variableName }}"
      "scheme": "https",
      "__snapName": "test-graphql-query-text",
      "__snapType": "__GRAPHQL"
      "host": "www.testHost.com",
      "path": "/graphql",
      "queryContent": {
        "queryFile": "../Folder_Name/Model.graphql",
        "variables": {
          "variableName": "aValue"
      "scheme": "https",
      "__snapName": "test-graphql-url-query",
      "__snapType": "__GRAPHQL"

In order to create a graphQL query, change the __snapType to __GRAPHQL and provide the queryContent object.

  • Provide a URL to a query file by setting the queryFile key or provide the query string itself by setting the queryText key. If you provide a relative path, it will be resolved from the current working directory when running the tool.
  • The variables for the query are provided by using the variables key.
  • Optinaly, a graphQL opeation name for the query can be set by using the operationName key.

Customizing output

When executing a snapshot test, Kombucha converts both the snapshot JSON and the “work” (live response) JSON into data in memory. It then executes what we call the structure check to look for the API breakages and problems discussed above.

However, with the full JSON data in memory, we can perform other checks on the response as we work. It may be useful to think of this as a built-in “linter” for the response that runs alongside the core snapshotting feature that has previously been described.

The user can add a __preferences blob to their configuration file to specify exactly the mixture of checks they’d like to run:

  "snaps": [
      "host": "httpbin.org",
      "httpMethod": "GET",
      "path": "/response-headers",
      "queryItems": {},
      "scheme": "https",
      "__preferences": {
        "errors": [
        "infos": [
        "warnings": [
      "__snapName": "myUniqueSnapName",
      "__snapType": "__REST"
  • these __preferences specify that, in addition to structure, the checks named string-bools and string-numbers should also be run, and if they produce output, that output should be treated as errors, failing the test run.
    • In addition, the user has requested that the flag-new-keys check produce INFO level output, and that array-consistency, empty-arrays, and empty-objects be checked, and routed to WARN level output.
  • any check name (eg. flag-new-keys) can be placed at any key (errors, infos, or warnings) in the __preferences blob.
  • if no __preferences are specified, Kombucha runs the default checks. See here for the full list of available checks.

Example output

testing: GET: example.org/example - (0 query params)
wrote to: /Users/ptomaselli/Documents/Code/kombucha/__Work__/example.json
    > ERROR: The key new-key does not exist

testing: GET: example.org/example2 - (0 query params)
wrote to: /Users/ptomaselli/Documents/Code/kombucha/__Work__/example2.json
    > ERROR: Types didn’t match. Reference: bool(false), test: string("hello world")

testing: GET: example.org/example3 - (3 query params)
wrote to: /Users/ptomaselli/Documents/Code/kombucha/__Work__/example3.json

    > INFO: The key foo exists in the value being tested, but not in the snapshot. Perhaps you need to update your snapshot?

testing: GET: example.org/example4 - (0 query params)
wrote to: /Users/ptomaselli/Documents/Code/kombucha/__Work__/example4.json
finished with errors

Command line parameters

  • [POSITIONAL] configurationURLString: The path to the json configuration file. If not specified, the default is ./kombucha.json.
  • --print-errors-only (-e): ask Kombucha to omit INFO and WARNING output when printing to the console. Useful if a set of tests is producing a lot of output and you’d like to “zero in” on the errors only, without having to edit the configuration file
  • --record (-r): ask Kombucha to rewrite all the stored snapshots it knows about. Useful for setting a new baseline for tests or if you know a large amount of the API under test has changed
  • --snapshots-directory (-s): tell Kombucha where to find snapshots for the test run. If not specified, the default is ./__Snapshots/.
  • --work-directory (-w): tell Kombucha what directory to use as the “work directory” (storage for live responses) for the test run. If not specified, the default is ./__Work__/.
  • --report-type (-t): If specified, a report will be created on disk for the current test run. junit is currently the only support type. You need to specify the --report-output-url path for the report.
  • --report-output-url (-o): The path to the report file (existing or not).

Running on macOS

Kombucha is written in Swift. If you have a Swift 5 development environment available, you can run Kombucha natively on macOS. To do so, clone this repository, and then run

swift build                         # build Kombucha in debug mode
.build/debug/kombucha sample.json   # run the sample tests that are included with this repo

To move forward from this point, construct your own JSON configuration file describing your API endpoints and point Kombucha at that file. We suggest storing this configuration file and its snapshots in a git repository separate from this one, so that you can version your usage of Kombucha separately from any versioning of the tool itself. Such an invocation of the tool would look something like:

kombucha \
  ../my-tests/kombucha.json \
  --snapshots-directory ../my-tests/__Snapshots__ \
  --work-directory ../my-tests/__Work__

Running via Docker

Kombucha can also run inside of a Docker container, powered by the official Swift base image. This can be beneficial for developers who do not have access to a Swift development environment, and especially helpful for running Kombucha in CI applications.

Because the Docker container will not have direct access to your local filesystem (where you may be storing your configuration file and reference snapshots), you will need to bind a local filesystem volume to the container while it runs.

To run Kombucha in Docker, first clone the repository and then do the following:

$ cd kombucha
$ docker build -t kombucha .

This will build your Docker image and tag it with kombucha:latest.

First, let's run a quick test on your new Kombucha image to ensure everything's working properly:

$ docker run -it kombucha:latest

This should drop you into a bash shell on the container, with the compiled kombucha executable now available for direct use:

$ which kombucha


Since the Dockerfile includes instructions to copy over the sample.json config file and rename it to kombucha.json, the program can be immediately run with no arguments, and will simply default to using ./kombucha.json and creating snapshots in a new __Snapshots__ directory:

$ kombucha

testing: GET: httpbin.org/headers
- 0 query param
- 0 http header
- empty body
reference file doesn’t exist, writing it and failing the test…
wrote a reference to: /app/__Snapshots__/headersSnap.json


finished with errors

NOTE: Since this sample data contains no reference snapshots, the program will finish with errors the first time it runs, as it needs to create the snapshots first.

To avoid this first-run error, simply add the --record option to your arguments:

$ kombucha --record

wrote a reference to: /app/__Snapshots__/headersSnap.json
wrote a reference to: /app/__Snapshots__/ipSnap.json
wrote a reference to: /app/__Snapshots__/responseHeadersSnap.json
wrote a reference to: /app/__Snapshots__/userAgentSnap.json

finished recording
$ cat /app/__Snapshots__/headersSnap.json

  "headers" : {
    "Accept" : "application\/json",
    "Accept-Encoding" : "deflate, gzip",
    "Accept-Language" : "en",
    "Host" : "httpbin.org",
    "User-Agent" : "kombucha-this-is-a-test-v-0.0001"

Next, let's move on to a more practical example of running kombucha tests against some API snapshots stored on your development machine!

NOTE: Because the Docker container will not have direct access to your local filesystem (where you may be storing your configuration file and reference snapshots), you may need to bind a local volume to the container while it runs.

Say you have a folder ~/sample-project which contains the following project structure:

$ tree ~/sample-project

├── README.md
├── kombucha.json
├── snaps
│   ├── headersSnap.json
│   ├── ipSnap.json
│   ├── responseHeadersSnap.json
│   └── userAgentSnap.json
├── src
└── tests

In specific, kombucha.json represents our declarative API configuration file, and the JSON files located in the snaps/ directory represent our reference snapshots.

To bind this sample-project directory to your docker container and begin running tests, do the following:

$ docker run -itv ~/sample-project:/app/sample-project kombucha:latest

NOTE: Please ensure the path structure is correct for both your sample-project and the destination you wish to target inside the Docker container (/app/sample-project).

If successful, you should be dropped into a bash shell in the container. You can confirm that your local project was mounted successfully by checking the contents of the /app directory:

$ ls -l /app/*


-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  861 Sep  6 05:32 Package.resolved
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1741 Aug 29 18:36 Package.swift
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Sep  6 05:32 Sources
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Sep  6 05:32 Tests
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1416 Aug 27 00:04 kombucha.json


drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   64 Sep  6 06:01 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   64 Sep  6 06:01 tests
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    6 Sep  6 06:15 README.md
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1416 Sep  6 06:15 kombucha.json
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root  192 Sep  6 06:15 snaps

Since kombucha is symlinked inside Docker, you can run the program from any directory, including your project folder:

$ cd /app/sample-project
$ kombucha -s snaps -w work -t junit -o report.xml


saved JUnitXML to /app/sample-project/report.xml

Since we elected to write our results to a work/ directory and generate a Junit XML report called report.xml, we can see these new items are now available in /app/sample-project:

$ ls -lrt

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   64 Sep  6 06:01 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   64 Sep  6 06:01 tests
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    6 Sep  6 06:15 README.md
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1416 Sep  6 06:15 kombucha.json
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root  192 Sep  6 06:15 snaps
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root  192 Sep  6 06:16 work
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root  836 Sep  6 06:16 report.xml

You can view your generated report directly on the Docker container:

$ cat report.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites id="DFF510A4-A545-4F75-9228-85F95669F592" name="Kombucha API Testing - September 6, 2019 at 5:57:01 AM UTC" failures="0" tests="4" time="0m0s">
   <testsuite id="ACD78BA8-0798-4D65-B81B-771794FB4BD2" name="Kombucha" failures="0" tests="4" time="0m0s">
      <testcase id="FA145C14-2C5D-4A44-9691-402434710546" name="headersSnap-REST-GET-httpbin.org/headers " time="177 ms" />
      <testcase id="6768150C-291C-44AC-81E8-3E4C46FF79C0" name="ipSnap-REST-GET-httpbin.org/ip " time="41 ms" />
      <testcase id="17168BF2-AA5D-4661-BD7A-74B30B641802" name="responseHeadersSnap-REST-GET-httpbin.org/response-headers " time="40 ms" />
      <testcase id="EBA9863B-0530-4278-8601-249163CFC8C0" name="userAgentSnap-REST-GET-httpbin.org/user-agent " time="38 ms" />

If you'd like to copy your XML report back to your local filesystem, you can use the following docker cp pattern to transfer any files generated inside the container:

docker cp $(docker ps -q --filter ancestor="kombucha:latest"):/app/sample-project/report.xml ~/Desktop/report.xml

Note that by executing $(docker ps -q --filter ancestor="kombucha:latest") as a subcommand, you can avoid having to refer directly to the container ID, which can be determined by running docker ps and looking for the CONTAINER ID column. If you would prefer to use the ID, simply run docker cp CONTAINERID:/app/sample-project/report.xml ~/Desktop/report.xml instead.

List of checks

The structure check

We call Kombucha’s main snapshotting behavior “the structure check”. With both the snapshot and the work (live response) JSON in memory, Kombucha will flag any JSON keys that appear in the snapshot structure, but not in the work structure. In addition, it will flag any JSON keys where the type of the value in the work structure differs from the type in the snapshot structure (eg. if the key "foo" used to have the value true, but now it has the value 99.0 or ["hello"]).

Kombucha performs this check recursively into nested JSON objects as deep as they go, and recursively into the first element only of nested JSON arrays, as deep as they go. It doesn’t usually make sense to assert on the length of a JSON array, but for stricter array checking, you can pair the structure check with the array-consistency check to ensure that JSON arrays of any length have the expected type.

Other checks

  • array-consistency
    • Kombucha can flag heterogeneous arrays in the work response, since these can be a problem for clients if they are unexpected. We call this the “array consistency” check: Kombucha will check every array in the live response to ensure that the same keys and types are present in items at the indices [1...] as are present at index 0.
  • empty-arrays
    • more simply, Kombucha can also flag empty arrays ("key": []) in the response, as this may also cause problems with clients, or may represent an opportunity to optimize the API.
  • empty-objects
    • likewise, this check flags empty object literals ("key": {}) in the response
  • flag-new-keys
    • the inverse of the structure check: flag JSON keys that appear in the “work” (live response) JSON, but not in the snapshot. This may indicate that your snapshot is out of date, or can be used to generate API diffs for endpoints that are under active development.
  • string-bools
    • flag the values "true" and "false" (which should probably be true and false instead)
  • string-numbers
    • flag, for example, "99.0" (as opposed to 99.0). This check should probably be used sparingly as there are plenty of pseudo-numeric values that nevertheless are best represented as strings (for example: opaque identifiers, or zip codes in the United States)
  • strict-equality
    • ensure that the JSON from the response is exactly the same as the reference on disk.

Default checks

If no __preferences are specified, Kombucha runs with a default series of checks that should be useful for most situations:

  • errors: structure
  • infos: empty-arrays, empty-objects, flag-new-keys, string-bools
  • warnings: array-consistency

Implementation details / Development / Contributing

Kombucha is written in a functional style and was designed to be easy to extend! We hope to follow up in the future with additional documentation for extending the program, but until then, here is a general idea:

Kombucha was written in-house at Wayfair, but we’d like to thank Point-Free for their swift-snapshot-testing library, which we referred to often for hints and prior art, especially w/r/t the ergonomics and user interface of this program.

For a great practical resource on folds in Swift, check out Swift Talk Episode 152.