NetWare copied to clipboard
1v1.LOL Cheat (Steam Client)
πΈοΈ NetWare πΈοΈ
π Usage π
After you've downloaded and extracted the latest release, open "NetWareLoader.exe" and select the option 1 to load NetWare.
π Features π
β’ Combat
+ Aimbot
- Enabled
- Aim Bone
- Aim Mode
- Check FOV
- Dynamic Fov
- Draw Fov
- FOV Size (10 -> 500)
- Smoothing (5 -> 10)
- FOV Color Picker
- Rainbow FOV
+ Silent Aim
- Enabled
- Aim Bone
- Check FOV
- Dynamic Fov
- Draw Fov
- FOV Size (10 -> 500)
- FOV Color Picker
- Rainbow FOV
+ Magic Bullet
- Enabled
- Frequency (1 -> 100 the lower the better)
- Check FOV
- Dynamic Fov
- Draw Fov
- FOV Size (10 -> 500)
- FOV Color Picker
- Rainbow FOV
+ Weapons
- No Recoil
- No Spread
- Infinite Ammo
- Rapid Fire
- Rapid Reload
- Infinite Range
β’ Visual
- Tracers
- Skeleton
- 3D Boxes
- 2D Boxes
- Filled Boxes
- Info
- Nametags
- Background Color Picker
- Teammate Color Picker
- Enemy Color Picker
- Bot Color Picker
+ FOV Changer
- Enabled
- Amount (20 -> 150)
+ Speed Graph
- Enabled
- Color Picker (line)
- Color Mode (normal, rainbow, rainbow wave)
+ Crosshair
- Enabled
- Dynamic
- Better Scope
- Color Picker
- Rainbow
+ Camera Settings
- Enabled
- X (-5 -> 5)
- Y (-5 -> 5)
- Z (-5 -> 5)
β’ Movement
+ Speed
- Enabled
- Amount (1 -> 10)
+ Fly
- Enabled
+ BHop
- Enabled
β’ Exploits
+ Player
- Godmode
- Instant Land
- Infinite Materials
- Anti Freeze
+ Gameplay
- Leave Game
- Auto Play
+ Account
- Sign Out
+ Locker
- Unlock Emotes
- Unlock Stickers
- Pickaxe Changer
+ Game
- Force Win
- Freeze All
- Kill All
- Destroy Buildings
- Open Crates
- Building Spam
- Rig Spam
- Instant Break
+ Fun
- Add 10k Fake Gold
- Add 10k Fake Gems
- Loadout Level Changer
+ Weapon Mods
- Building Gun
- Teleport Gun
- Explosion Gun
β’ Settings
+ Config Manager
- Save
- Delete
+ Watermark
- Enabled
- Time Type (standard, military)
+ Feature List
- Enabled
- Color Picker (text)
- Color Mode (normal, rainbow, rainbow wave)
+ Menu Effects
- Enabled
- Speed (0.1 -> 1)
- Spawn Delay Min (0 -> MAX)
- Spawn Delay Max (MIN -> 1)
- Color Picker
- Color Mode (normal, rainbow, confetti)
+ Config Loader
π‘ Ideas π‘
β’ Fix my shitty code.
Feel free to submit any idea by making a pull request on this repository!
πΎ Dependencies πΎ
β οΈ Disclaimer β οΈ
This program is meant for educational purposes only.