e-Paper copied to clipboard
“sudo ./epd” terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
Running and compiling the tests for my 4in2 e-paper:
make EPD=4in2
sudo ./epd
EPD_4IN2_test Demo Error
EPD_4IN2_test Demo
Current environment: Debian
bcm2835 init success !!!
e-Paper Init and Clear...
Debug: e-Paper busy
Debug: e-Paper busy release
Debug: e-Paper busy
Debug: e-Paper busy release
Debug: 1 S
Debug: e-Paper busy
Debug: e-Paper busy release
show window BMP-----------------
pixel = 127 * 1815688180
fish: “sudo ./epd” terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
Sometimes it ends up in the same condition with a different error:
EPD_4IN2_test Demo Error 2
EPD_4IN2_test Demo
Current environment: Debian
bcm2835 init success !!!
e-Paper Init and Clear...
Debug: e-Paper busy
Debug: e-Paper busy release
Debug: e-Paper busy
Debug: e-Paper busy release
Debug: 1 S
Debug: e-Paper busy
Debug: e-Paper busy release
show window BMP-----------------
Debug: Cann't open the file!
Note that it's not because I am running without sudo
. When running without sudo
I get the same error:
EPD_4IN2_test Demo Error without sudo
EPD_4IN2_test Demo
Current environment: Debian
bcm2835 init success !!!
fish: “./epd” terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
Python test puts the Pi4 into the Input / Output error state too, albeit with a different error:
Python Test
❯ python3 examples/epd_4in2_test.py
INFO:root:epd4in2 Demo
INFO:root:init and Clear
INFO:root:[Errno 5] Input/output error: '/home/doplumi/Developer/git/e-Paper/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/python/examples'
fish: “python3 examples/epd_4in2_test.…” terminated by signal SIGBUS (Misaligned address error)
What could be the cause of this issue?
Happy to provide more detail on request. I just bought this and started playing with it, the tutorial on the waveshare site provides a nice guide to get up and running. However, I don't know how to debug any issue, e.g. I double checked pins and they seem to be set up correctly, but how do I get proof from the software hand? Also, about the fact it was working initially but then it stopped after a couple of hours, could it be the screen is stuck in some configuration mistake that persist even after removing and re-attaching energy? Any way to trigger a "factory reset" in that case?
make EPD=4in2 be refitted into make -j4 EPD=epd4in2