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ComplexBatchNorm1d Error
File "D:/Pycharm/coplexcnn/", line 124, in
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (253) must match the size of tensor b (32) at non-singleton dimension 1
How to solve it?Thank
maybe you can try again, the code has updated 3 months ago. Beside, there still exit memory leakage In ComplexBatchNorm1d. You can add "with torch.no_grad():" after code line 254
In case someone is reading this, I had to change the Batchnorm code slightly to make it work properly. Here are my changes to get Batchnorm2d working (Batchnorm1d is similar). The formatting is a bit weird because I use Black as my default linter.
class _ComplexBatchNorm(Module):
def __init__(
super(_ComplexBatchNorm, self).__init__()
self.num_features = num_features
self.eps = eps
self.momentum = momentum
self.affine = affine
self.track_running_stats = track_running_stats
if self.affine:
self.weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_features, 3))
self.bias = Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_features, 2))
self.register_parameter("weight", None)
self.register_parameter("bias", None)
if self.track_running_stats:
self.register_buffer("running_mean_r", torch.zeros(num_features))
self.register_buffer("running_mean_i", torch.zeros(num_features))
self.register_buffer("running_covar", torch.zeros(num_features, 3))
self.running_covar[:, 0] = 1 / 1.4142135623730951
self.running_covar[:, 1] = 1 / 1.4142135623730951
"num_batches_tracked", torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.long)
self.register_parameter("running_mean_r", None)
self.register_parameter("running_mean_i", None)
self.register_parameter("running_covar", None)
self.register_parameter("num_batches_tracked", None)
def reset_running_stats(self):
if self.track_running_stats:
self.running_covar[:, :2] = 1 / 1.4142135623730951
def reset_parameters(self):
if self.affine:
init.constant_(self.weight[:, :2], 1 / 1.4142135623730951)
init.zeros_(self.weight[:, 2])
class ComplexBatchNorm2d(_ComplexBatchNorm):
def forward(self, inputs):
exponential_average_factor = 0.0 if self.momentum is None else self.momentum
if and self.track_running_stats:
if self.num_batches_tracked is not None:
self.num_batches_tracked += 1
if self.momentum is None: # use cumulative moving average
exponential_average_factor = 1.0 / float(self.num_batches_tracked)
else: # use exponential moving average
exponential_average_factor = self.momentum
if or (not and not self.track_running_stats):
# calculate mean of real and imaginary part
# mean does not support automatic differentiation for outputs with complex dtype.
mean_r = inputs.real.mean([0, 2, 3])
mean_i = inputs.imag.mean([0, 2, 3])
mean_r = self.running_mean_r.clone()
mean_i = self.running_mean_i.clone()
if and self.track_running_stats:
# update running mean
with torch.no_grad():
self.running_mean_r[:] = (
exponential_average_factor * mean_r
+ (1 - exponential_average_factor) * self.running_mean_r
self.running_mean_i[:] = (
exponential_average_factor * mean_i
+ (1 - exponential_average_factor) * self.running_mean_i
inputs = inputs - (mean_r + 1j * mean_i)[None, :, None, None]
if or (not and not self.track_running_stats):
# Elements of the covariance matrix (biased for train)
# n = input.numel() / input.size(1)
Crr = inputs.real.pow(2).mean(dim=[0, 2, 3]) + self.eps
Cii = inputs.imag.pow(2).mean(dim=[0, 2, 3]) + self.eps
Cri = (inputs.real * inputs.imag).mean(dim=[0, 2, 3])
Crr = self.running_covar[:, 0] + self.eps
Cii = self.running_covar[:, 1] + self.eps
Cri = self.running_covar[:, 2] # +self.eps
if and self.track_running_stats:
with torch.no_grad():
self.running_covar[:, 0] = (
exponential_average_factor * Crr
+ (1 - exponential_average_factor) * self.running_covar[:, 0]
self.running_covar[:, 1] = (
exponential_average_factor * Cii
+ (1 - exponential_average_factor) * self.running_covar[:, 1]
self.running_covar[:, 2] = (
exponential_average_factor * Cri
+ (1 - exponential_average_factor) * self.running_covar[:, 2]
# calculate the inverse square root the covariance matrix
det = Crr * Cii - Cri.pow(2)
s = torch.sqrt(det)
t = torch.sqrt(Cii + Crr + 2 * s)
inverse_st = 1.0 / (s * t)
Rrr = (Cii + s) * inverse_st
Rii = (Crr + s) * inverse_st
Rri = -Cri * inverse_st
inputs = (
Rrr[None, :, None, None] * inputs.real
+ Rri[None, :, None, None] * inputs.imag
).type(torch.complex64) + 1j * (
Rii[None, :, None, None] * inputs.imag
+ Rri[None, :, None, None] * inputs.real
if self.affine:
inputs = (
self.weight[None, :, 0, None, None] * inputs.real
+ self.weight[None, :, 2, None, None] * inputs.imag
+ self.bias[None, :, 0, None, None]
).type(torch.complex64) + 1j * (
self.weight[None, :, 2, None, None] * inputs.real
+ self.weight[None, :, 1, None, None] * inputs.imag
+ self.bias[None, :, 1, None, None]
return inputs
The exact changes are as follows:
- From my reading of the linked paper and the associated code (, the running_covar and the weight initialization should be initialized to 1/sqrt(2) and not sqrt(2).
- The running mean buffer registration and calculation. The buffer assignment was the hardest to figure out, in that assigning self.running_mean_r = ... in the forward step does not work, but self.running_mean_r[:] = ... works. Something to do with the Pytorch internals, I guess.
Hello, I had the same problem as you described. I noticed that the "ComplexBatchNorm2d" function, which is designed for 4D data (N, C, H, W), calculates the mean and the variance over 3 dimensions e.g. mean_r = input.real.mean([0, 2, 3]) and also applies those parameters in a similar fashion e.g. input = input - mean[None, :, None, None].
The function "ComplexBatchNorm1d" does this only for 2D data and my data was 3d (N, C, L) which caused the problem in my case. To given an example: I changed mean_r = input.real.mean(dim=0).type(torch.complex64) to mean_r = input.real.mean([0, 2]).type(torch.complex64). When applying the mean I changed input = input - mean[None, ...] to input = input - mean[None, :, None]. By doing this also for the imaginary parts and the covariance I obtained the normalized output for 3D data. I hope this is helpful.