babel-tape-runner copied to clipboard
Babel + Tape runner for your ESNext code
Perhaps because the name made me think of `tape-run`, a tool for running tape tests in a browser process, I lazily guessed this might have something to do with bringing...
I'm testing react components that import CSS modules, which throw `SyntaxError: Unexpected token .` for the first CSS class name found in the CSS file. Does `babel-tape-runner` support -r and...
I'm currently working on a OSS project using `babel-tape-runner` to run my tests. The project conventions involve having all config files inside a `config/` which is possible with Babel, but...
I understand it may not exactly be in the scope of this project but I'm wondering if there's any way to make `babel-tape-runner` a long running process similarly to mocha's...
package.json `"testbabel": "babel-tape-runner test/es6/*",` ``` npm i --save-dev babel-tape-runner npm i --save-dev babel-preset-es2015 ``` .babelrc ``` { "presets": ["es2015"] } ``` ``` /mnt/c/Users/enzo/drive/projects/dop/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:178 throw new Error(`Plugin/Preset files are not allowed...
How to integrate babel-type-runner with json-loader to be able to run test on sources which are loaded through json-loader (like webpack does)? Maybe there is a way to mock this...
Would be useful if babel-tape-runner would by default listen and report `unhandledRejection` errors.
I'm a maintainer of [gulp-stylelint]( which uses babel-tape-runner to run tests. The tests are run on Travis in Node v0.12, v4, and v5. One day I've added `Object.assign` to my...
I upgraded a project to use node 6.1.0 and npm 3.8.9. Now receiving an error ``` path.js:7 throw new TypeError('Path must be a string. Received ' + inspect(path)); ``` I've...