> > Check with UE_SMALL_NUMBER is better than 0 directly. > > I'm curious about the reason. > > Isn't "`Number > 0.0f`" sufficient enough to avoid "divided by zero"...
> Also, as a fallback plan, there is Motion Warping that can be used instead of root motion sources, but I'm not sure if it will work in multiplayer or...
I met the same issue No.4. And I add "AnimGraphRuntime" to ALSEditor.Build.cs resolve it. When I build dedicated server on linux.
UserWidget的蓝图里面,Construct事件中连的节点。 Construct MyView,保存成员变量,再调用SetupUI(ViewBase的)
In https://unity3d.com/beta/2022.1a,there has some change: Build Pipeline: Deprecated: BuildReport.files has been deprecated. Use BuildReport.GetFiles() instead. So ask again, is this package dead?
> Have you tested this in multiplayer? I have doubts that it will work correctly there. I test in PIE mode with 'Play as Listen Server' and 'Play as Client'(pure...
> I'm handling this in the `Input_OnMove` function, as well as strafe speed. In my use case, I don't mind the sprint being a jog while moving backward, rather than...
I means the only safe place is our dedicated server. And the client may be modified by any way. In the bad case, the cheater can make move backward as...
Yes that what I mean. The server does not known anything about the speed multiplier. So it possible to cheating with it. So I think It may better the limit...