Alex Inkin
Alex Inkin
- [x] Prompt renamed to Confirm:
## Buttons migration: - [x] icon -> iconLeft - [x] TuiButtonLoadingComponent from kit if [loading] is used - [x] shape="rounded" -> [style.border-radius.%]="100" - [x] `showLoader` -> `loading`
- [ ] `TUI_ARROW` content now replaced by `tuiChevron` directive
# Link - [x] `icon` + `iconAlign` now changed to `iconLeft` / `iconRight` - [x] `--tui-link-icon-size` changed to `--tui-icon-size` - [x] `iconRotated` changed to `tuiChevron` - [ ] `tuiMode` no...
- [x] - `MarkerIcon` to `Avatar`, `mode` to `appearance` - [x] - `Action` to `CardLarge` + `tuiSurface="elevated"`
- [ ] If we see some customization to `tui-svg` we need to put a TODO reminding people that all internal icons moved to `tui-icon`
- [x] `tuiOverscroll` directive removed, just use `overscroll-behavior` CSS rule instead
- [x] `[tuiFocusable]="focusable"` to `[tabIndex]="focusable ? 0 : -1"`
For appearance="whiteblock" `[class._checked]="condition"` has to be changed to `[]="condition ? 'checked' : null"`
- [ ] `ActiveZone` no longer needed in nested dropdowns, needs to be removed. `let-close="close"` can be changed to `let-close` since it is now `$implicit`.