react-firebase-boilerplate copied to clipboard
create-react-app based firebase, react & redux pre-setup project

React Firebase Boilerplate
We spend a large amount of time to setup a project; changing file structure, installing libraries, create reusable components and so on. The purpose of using the project is to minimize the redundant effort to setup a project from scratch. In the boilerplate, it contains only commonly-used libraries and the all setup done for you.
Require Package Version
- Node: v16.x
- Yarn: v1.22.x
- Npm: v8.1.x
Yarn preferable. The deploy automation using yarn.
How to use
Step-1. Setup Firebase App
- Create firebase web app in firebase console
- Enable Authentication and turn on "Email/Password" option
- Enable Storage and update Rules
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if false;
match /users/{userId} {
allow read, write : if request.auth.uid == userId;
- Enable Hosting
Step-2. Install firebase tools
- Global install firebase tools (skip if you done the step)
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
- Login to your firebase account (skip if you done the step)
$ firebase login
Step-3. Setup the Boilerplate Project
- Click "Use Template" to start or download the boilerplate from Download Zip button
- Open the project in the editor
- Go to firebase console again. Copy all API keys from (gear icon) -> Project Settings. Then paste in .env.development
- Replace project name with yours in .firebaserc
- Install packages with command:
yarn install
ornpm install
- Start project with command:
yarn start
ornpm run start
Available Scripts
Build storybook
$ yarn storybook
- or -
$ npm run storybook
Run Unit Test
$ yarn test
- or -
$ npm run test
Run Lint
$ yarn lint
- or -
$ npm run lint
Format Code
$ yarn format
- or -
$ npm run format
Analyze Bundle Size
$ yarn analyze
- or -
$ npm run analyze
Run Local Build Test
$ yarn build && firebase serve
- or -
$ npm build && firebase serve
Deploy Live
$ yarn build && firebase deploy --only hosting
- or -
$ npm build && firebase deploy --only hosting
UI Components
CI and Auto Deployment
This project is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.