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Wasmer fails to load in React application created with create-react-app
I am trying to use "@wasmer/sdk" from a single page React application that was created using create-react-app.
The error reported in the console is:
Not allowed to load local resource: file:///Users/.../node_modules/@wasmer/sdk/dist/WasmerSDK.js
I installed the SDK via:
npm i "@wasmer/sdk" # Installs "@wasmer/sdk": "^0.6.0",
In the React component Wasmer is loaded like this:
import { init, Directory, Wasmer } from "@wasmer/sdk";
export default WasmerContext(...) {
const [python, setPython] = useState<null | Wasmer>(null);
useEffect(() => {
import("@wasmer/sdk").then(imported => {
imported.init().then(() => {
console.log("Wasmer loaded");
imported.Wasmer.fromRegistry("python/python").then(python => {
if (!python) {
console.log("wasmer runtime loaded python");
}, [])
At no place in the application do I explicitly call for the "file:///Users/.../node_modules/@wasmer/sdk/dist/WasmerSDK.js" URL, so I assume that somewhere in the initialization code of Wasmer it must be embedding that URL.
This is a production build, built using the command:
npm run build
I have confirmed that this is some kind of issue with WasmerJS vs create-react-app. After porting our application to use vite, loading Wasmer works by following the ffmpeg-react example.
However there is another issue that seems much more difficult:
Our application also uses Auth0, and requiring the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
, and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
effectively breaks Auth0. I get that those headers are needed because of the shared buffers, but it's a very unfortunate tradeoff.
If the Wasmer team is receptive of feedback:
- There are many users of create-react-app, making sure that WasmerJS works with it out of the box will make uptake of WasmerJS easier.
- Somehow making this work without COOP and COEP so that providers like Auth0 continue to work out of the box would also help uptake.
I get the same error with create-next-app
Decided wasn't feasible to use nextjs + wasmer but maybe I'm not investigating hard enough