rollup-plugin-rust copied to clipboard
Using this plugin with Vite Web Workers
I am really a big fan of this plugin, thank you for maintaining it!
I have a Vite Web Worker where I'm using this plugin.
Funny enough, it works in dev
mode and breaks when I try to build
(opposite of what we saw last year. Sigh...)
Is there any chance you know what is going wrong here? It's as if your plugin needs to run first, and have the code transformed before it gets to the worker plugin?
// worker.js
import wasm from '../../../crates/seed-bindgen/Cargo.toml';
export let generate, encrypt, decrypt;
async function init() {
if (!import.meta.env.SSR) {
({ generate, encrypt, decrypt } = await wasm());
console.log('wasm ready', { generate, encrypt, decrypt });
// set up web worker messaging
onmessage = async (e) => {
// ...etc
// vit.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte';
import { viteSingleFile } from 'vite-plugin-singlefile';
import basicSsl from '@vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl';
import svgLoader from 'vite-svg-loader';
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';
import rust from '@wasm-tool/rollup-plugin-rust';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
inlineWasm: true
preprocess: preprocess()
// basicSsl(),
defaultImport: 'raw'
build: {
cssCodeSplit: false,
assetsInlineLimit: 2097152, // 2MB = 1024 * 1024 * 2 = 2097152
rollupOptions: {}
// no strict fs server
server: {
fs: {
strict: false
// worker format
worker: {
format: 'es'
The error log
Error [RollupError]: The keyword 'package' is reserved (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)
frame: '1: [package]\n ^\n2: edition = "2021"\n3: name = "seed-bindgen"',
pluginCode: 'PARSE_ERROR',
plugin: 'vite:worker-import-meta-url',
hook: 'transform'
Node.js v18.5.0
Ok, I've found a work around which kind of confirms there's a Vite bug with their rollup plugins still
Add the @wasm-tool/rollup-plugin-rust
to the build.rollupOptions.plugins
/// vite.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
inlineWasm: true
// ...
build: {
rollupOptions: {
plugins: [
inlineWasm: true // <== needed here for build step
// worker format
worker: {
format: 'es'