fivem-appearance icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fivem-appearance copied to clipboard

french translation

Open Own01 opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

{ "modal": { "save": { "title": "Enregistrer la personnalisation", "description": "Tu resteras moche" }, "exit": { "title": "Quitter la personnalisation", "description": "Aucune modification ne sera enregistrée" }, "accept": "Oui", "decline": "Non" }, "ped": { "title": "Ped", "model": "Model" }, "headBlend": { "title": "Héritage", "shape": { "title": "Visage", "firstOption": "Père", "secondOption": "Mère", "mix": "Mix" }, "skin": { "title": "Peau", "firstOption": "Père", "secondOption": "Mère", "mix": "Mix" } }, "faceFeatures": { "title": "Face Features", "nose": { "title": "Nez", "width": "Largeur", "height": "Hauteur", "size": "Taille", "boneHeight": "Bone height", "boneTwist": "Bone twist", "peakHeight": "Peak height" }, "eyebrows": { "title": "Sourcils", "height": "Hauteur", "depth": "Profondeur" }, "cheeks": { "title": "Joues", "boneHeight": "Bone height", "boneWidth": "Bone width", "width": "Largeur" }, "eyesAndMouth": { "title": "Yeux et Bouche", "eyesOpening": "Eyes opening", "lipsThickness": "Lip thickness" }, "jaw": { "title": "Mâchoire", "width": "Largeur", "size": "Taille" }, "chin": { "title": "Menton", "lowering": "Lowering", "length": "Length", "size": "Size", "hole": "Hole size" }, "neck": { "title": "Cou", "thickness": "Épaisseur" } }, "headOverlays": { "title": "Apparence", "hair": { "title": "Cheveux", "style": "Style", "color": "Couleur", "highlight": "Highlight" }, "opacity": "Opacité", "style": "Style", "color": "Couleur", "blemishes": "Imperfections", "beard": "Barbe", "eyebrows": "Sourcils", "ageing": "Ageing", "makeUp": "Make up", "blush": "Bblush", "complexion": "Complexion", "sunDamage": "Sun damage", "lipstick": "Rouge à lèvres", "moleAndFreckles": "Mole and Freckles", "chestHair": "Poils du torse", "bodyBlemishes": "Imperfections du corps", "eyeColor": "Couleur des yeux" }, "components": { "title": "Vêtements", "drawable": "Drawable", "texture": "Texture", "mask": "Masque", "upperBody": "Mains", "lowerBody": "Jambes", "bags": "Sacs et Parachute", "shoes": "Chaussures", "scarfAndChains": "Écharpe et Chaînes", "shirt": "Shirt", "bodyArmor": "Gilet pare-balles", "decals": "Decals", "jackets": "Vestes" }, "props": { "title": "Objets", "drawable": "Drawable", "texture": "Texture", "hats": "Chapeaux et Casques", "glasses": "Lunettes", "ear": "Oreille", "watches": "Montres", "bracelets": "Bracelets" }, "tattoos": { "title": "Tattoos", "items": { "ZONE_TORSO": "Torse", "ZONE_HEAD": "Visage", "ZONE_LEFT_ARM": "Bras gauche", "ZONE_RIGHT_ARM": "Bras droit", "ZONE_LEFT_LEG": "Jambe gauche", "ZONE_RIGHT_LEG": "Jambe droite" }, "apply": "Appliquer", "delete": "Supprimer" } }

Own01 avatar Jan 13 '23 11:01 Own01

You can make Pull Request with FR translate so wasabi can update resource

kukiiii avatar Mar 09 '23 13:03 kukiiii