transformers copied to clipboard
CropCircleWithBorderTransformation when calculating the border there is a bug. If the width and height of the picture are not equal, then the width of the outer border is set to be wider than the actual value.
Code :
val url = ""
viewBinding.ivImage.load(url) {
transformations(CropCircleWithBorderTransformation(10.dp, "#00ff00".toColorInt()))
class CropCircleWithBorder constructor(
private val borderSize: Int,
private val borderColor: Int
) : Transformer() {
override fun transform(
source: Bitmap,
destination: Bitmap
): Bitmap {
CropCircle().transform(source, destination)
destination.density = source.density
val minSize = minOf(source.width, source.height)
val maxSize = maxOf(source.width, source.height)
val strokeSize = borderSize * 1f * minSize / maxSize
val radius = minSize / 2f
val paint = Paint().apply {
color = borderColor
style = Paint.Style.STROKE
strokeWidth = strokeSize
isAntiAlias = true
isFilterBitmap = true
val canvas = Canvas(destination)
canvas.drawCircle(radius, radius, radius - strokeSize / 2f, paint)
return destination
override fun key(): String = "$id(borderSize=$borderSize, borderColor=$borderColor)"