recyclerview-animators copied to clipboard
CreateProcess error=2,Can you help me
i have add the git path ,but also git the error: Error:(11, 0) CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件。 Open File
Can you help me?
same here, error after use androidx
The program will look for the Git version according to the system environment variable internally, so you can add the cmd and bin of Git to the system environment variable (OS:Windows) Path = yourpath + "D:\Git\cmd;D:\Git\bin" And maybe you should delete three lines in build.gradle: publish { userOrg = POM_DEVELOPER_ID groupId = GROUP artifactId = ARTIFACT_ID publishVersion = VERSION_NAME desc = POM_DESCRIPTION website = POM_URL bintrayUser = BINTRAY_USER //delete bintrayKey = BINTRAY_API_KEY //delete autoPublish = false //delete }
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