flutter_ua_client_hints copied to clipboard
Provide User-Agent Client Hints to a Flutter app.
User-Agent Client Hints for Flutter
What's User-Agent Client Hints?
User-Agent Client Hints
Improving user privacy and developer experience with User-Agent Client Hints
User-Agent Client Hints Demo on Browser
⬇️ Response Accept-CH | ⬆️ Request header | ⬆️ RequestExample value | Description |
UA | Sec-CH-UA | "Chromium";v="84", "Google Chrome";v="84" |
List of browser brands and their significant version. |
UA-Mobile | Sec-CH-UA-Mobile | ?1 | Boolean indicating if the browser is on a mobile device (?1 for true) or not (?0 for false). |
UA-Full-Version | Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version | "84.0.4143.2" | The complete version for the browser. |
UA-Platform | Sec-CH-UA-Platform | "Android" | The platform for the device, usually the operating system (OS). |
UA-Platform-Version | Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version | "10" | The version for the platform or OS. |
UA-Arch | Sec-CH-UA-Arch | "ARM64" | The underlying architecture for the device. While this may not be relevant to displaying the page, the site may want to offer a download which defaults to the right format. |
UA-Model | Sec-CH-UA-Model | "Pixel 3" | The device model. |
This plugin is set the Null Safety.
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file
ua_client_hints: ^1.x.x
- You can install packages from the command line
$ flutter pub get
With Dio
Add to the request header.
class AppDio with DioMixin implements Dio {
AppDio._([BaseOptions options]) {
options = BaseOptions(
baseUrl: 'https://wasabeef.jp',
this.options = options;
onRequest: (options) async {
// Add User-Agent Client Hints
options.headers.addAll(await userAgentClientHintsHeader());
return options;
static Dio getInstance() => AppDio._();
final String ua = await userAgent();
print('User-Agent: $ua'); // e.g.. 'SampleApp/1.0.0 (Android 11; Pixel 4 XL; coral; arm64-v8a)'
final UserAgentData uaData = await userAgentData();
print('platform: ${uaData.platform}'); // e.g.. 'Android'
print('platformVersion: ${uaData.platformVersion}'); // e.g.. '10'
print('model: ${uaData.model}'); // e.g.. 'Pixel 4 XL'
print('architecture: ${uaData.architecture}'); // e.g.. 'arm64-v8a'
print('brand: ${uaData.brand}'); // e.g.. 'google'
print('mobile: ${uaData.mobile}'); // e.g.. true
print('device: ${uaData.device}'); // e.g.. 'coral'
print('appName: ${uaData.package.appName}'); // e.g.. 'SampleApp'
print('appVersion: ${uaData.package.appVersion}'); // e.g.. '1.0.0'
print('packageName: ${uaData.package.packageName}'); // e.g.. 'jp.wasabeef.ua'
print('buildNumber: ${uaData.package.buildNumber}'); // e.g.. '1'
final Map<String, dynamic> header = await userAgentClientHintsHeader();
print("Sec-CH-UA-Arch: ${header['Sec-CH-UA-Arch']}"); // e.g.. 'arm64-v8a'
print("Sec-CH-UA-Model: ${header['Sec-CH-UA-Model']}"); // e.g.. 'Pixel 4 XL'
print("Sec-CH-UA-Platform: ${header['Sec-CH-UA-Platform']}"); // e.g.. 'Android'
print("Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version: ${header['Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version']}"); // e.g.. '10'
print("Sec-CH-UA: ${header['Sec-CH-UA']}"); // e.g.. '"SampleApp"; v="1.0.0"'
print("Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version: ${header['Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version']}"); // e.g.. '1.0.0'
print("Sec-CH-UA-Mobile: ${header['Sec-CH-UA-Mobile']}"); // e.g.. '?1' (true) or '?0' (false)